What is the birthday rule for health insurance? (2024)

What is the birthday rule for insurance?

The birthday rule in medical billing is used by health insurance companies to decide which plan will pay first if both you and your spouse have separate health insurance plans and you have children covered by both policies.

It isn’t a law, but it’s a standard practice that determines which plan is the primary plan, and which should be secondary.

How does the birthday rule work?

If you and your spouse have separate health insurance plans and you have listed your kids as dependent on both plans, then the primary insurance will pay for the treatment first. And if there are still any outstanding bills, then the secondary plan will cover up to 100% of the remaining cost.

The birthday rule places primary responsibility for your children based on whether you or your spouse was born earlier in the year. The year of birth doesn’t matter. It’s the month and day that plays into the birthday rule.

What if you and your spouse have the same birthday? In this circ*mstance, the plan that’s been in place longer is primary.

Are there exceptions to the birthday rule?

There are a lot of different situations in which the birthday rule doesn’t apply. The main one to remember is that a court order will always override the birthday rule. Here are a few other situations to consider.

Birthday Rule Situations
SituationDoes the birthday rule apply?
Parents divorced or legally separatedDepends on custody arrangement
Custodial parent remarriesNo
One parent has COBRANo
Young adult with parent’s and spouse’s insuranceNo

Legally separated or divorced

If you’re legally separated or divorced and not remarried, the person with primary custody provides primary healthcare coverage for dependents. With joint custody, the birthday rule applies.

However, this stipulation only applies if a group plan covers both parents. If the parent with primary custody has an individual plan and the non-custodial parent has a group plan, the non-custodial parent’s health plan is primary.

Custodial parent is remarried

If you remarry, coverage works like this:

  • Your plan provides primary coverage
  • Your new spouse’s plan provides secondary coverage
  • Your ex-spouse’s plan fills any remaining coverage gaps

One parent has COBRA insurance

If you have COBRA and an employer-sponsored group health plan covers your current or former spouse, they provide primary coverage. COBRA insurance offers continuation coverage that’s more expensive than a health plan offered through work for an active employee.

For a newborn

When a baby is born, the mother’s insurance will cover the delivery and related costs. A newborn is automatically covered under the parent’s policy for 30 days, after which they need to be added. When each parent has their own policy, the birthday rule will apply.

A young adult is covered under a parent’s and spouse’s plan

The birthday rule doesn’t apply in this case. Instead, the plan that has been covering the young adult for the longest period of time will be primary. A young adult can stay on a parent’s plan until age 26.

Do all health plans follow the birthday rule?

Not all plans follow the birthday rule. It’s not a law but a common claims practice that helps insurers figure out who pays claims.

This means it's essential that you read your health insurance policies carefully and work with your insurance companies to understand how the insurer coordinates benefits. It's a good idea to determine which plan is primary before you start incurring medical costs.

Contact your health plan if you can’t figure out how the birthday rule affects your insurance and which insurer pays first.

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Are you unemployed and lost your job within the past 60 days?

What is the birthday rule for health insurance? (1)


Can you get health insurance from your job?


What is the birthday rule for health insurance? (2)


Do you have spouse who can get health insurance through a job?


What is the birthday rule for health insurance? (3)


What is your age?


What is the birthday rule for health insurance? (4)

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Our recommendation


Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

People who lose their employer-sponsored health insurance may qualify for a COBRA plan.COBRA lets you keep your former employer's health plan, but you're responsible forpaying all of the costs, including your former employer's portion.
Know more about COBRA

You can also opt for

Individual insurance/Affordable Care Act plan

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Our recommendationWhat is the birthday rule for health insurance? (5)

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How much is your family income?


How big is your family?


What is the birthday rule for health insurance? (6)

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Our recommendation


People who are 65 and over qualify for Medicare. You can choose Original Medicare (alsocalled Parts A and B), which is offered by the federal government, or Medicare Advantage(also called Part C), which private insurers provide. The average annual premium forOriginal Medicare is about $1,600. Medicare Advantage's average yearly premium is $336,but you may have higher out-of-pocket costs than Original Medicare.
Find out more about Medicare costs

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Our recommendationWhat is the birthday rule for health insurance? (7)

What is the birthday rule for health insurance? (8)

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Low-income Americans qualify for Medicaid. Thirty-eight states expanded Medicaideligibility, so lower-middle-class Americans may also be eligible in those states.Medicaid offers comprehensive benefits, but at little to no cost depending on yourincome. Each state has its own eligibility. Some states are flexible with Medicaideligibility for people who are pregnant, a parent or disabled. If your household incomeis below 138% of the federal poverty level, you're likely eligible for Medicaid if youlive in a Medicaid expansion state. That level is $17,609 for an individual, $23,791 fora family of two, $29,974 for a family of three and $36,156 for a family of four.Non-Medicare expansion states have stricter income guidelines. Check with your state'sMedicaid program to see if you qualify.

You can also opt for

Individual insurance/Affordable Care Act plan

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Our recommendation

Parent's employer-based health insurance

The Affordable Care Act lets children stay on a parent's health plan until the age of26. Having a child on a parent's health plan may or may not increase premiums. Itdepends on whether you already have family coverage when adding the child to the plan.If a parent already has family coverage, adding a child won't likely increase premiums.However, going from single or couple to family coverage could cause premiums toskyrocket. The average single coverage employer-sponsored plan premium is $1,186. Theaverage family plan is $5,447.

You can also opt for

Individual insurance/Affordable Care Act plan

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Our recommendation

Spouse's employer-based health insurance

Most employers allow employees to add spouses to their health insurance. Going fromsingle health coverage to a family plan may triple or quadruple your premiums. Theaverage single coverage employer-sponsored plan premium is $1,186. The average familyplan is $5,447. Not all jobs allow for spouse's coverage, so you'll want to check withyour employer to make sure it's an option.

You can also opt for

Individual insurance/Affordable Care Act plan

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Our recommendationWhat is the birthday rule for health insurance? (12)

Find out more about

  • PPO
  • HMO
  • HDHP
  • EPO

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Our recommendation

Employer-based health insurance

Most people with private health insurance get their coverage through a job.employer-sponsored health insurance is usually cheaper than individual health insuranceunless you qualify for Affordable Care Act subsidies. Job-based plans are generally lessexpensive because businesses often pick up more than half of employer-sponsored healthinsurance premiums. Kaiser Family Foundation estimates the average premiums for a singlecoverage employer-sponsored health plan is $1,186 and the average family plan is $5,447annually.

You can also opt for

Individual insurance/Affordable Care Act plan

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Our recommendationWhat is the birthday rule for health insurance? (13)

Click to each one of find out more

  • PPO
  • HMO
  • HDHP
  • EPO

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Employer plans are often one of these types of four plans. Click on each one to find out more.

  • PPO
  • HMO
  • HDHP
  • EPO

Preferred-provider Organization (PPOs)

  • Pay higher premiums with a lower deductible
  • You have access to more providers, but pay much more for health insurance
  • You don't want to choose a primary care physician
  • You don't want to get a referral
  • You want the ability to get out-of-network care

Preferred-provider organization (PPOs) plans are the most common type ofemployer-based health plan. PPOs have higher premiums than HMOs and HDHPs, butthose added costs offer you flexibility. A PPO allows you to get care anywhereand without primary care provider referrals. You may have to pay more to getout-of-network care, but a PPO will pick up a portion of the costs.
Find out more about the differences between plans

Health maintenance organization (HMO)

  • Pay higher premiums with a lower deductible
  • Restricted network of providers with lower premiums
  • You want to choose a primary care physician
  • You don't mind getting a referral
  • You don't care about the ability to get out-of-network care

Health maintenance organization (HMO) plans have lower premiums than PPOs.However, HMOs have more restrictions. HMOs don't allow you to get care outsideof your provider network. If you get out-of-network care, you'll likely have topay for all of it. HMOs also require you to get primary care provider referralsto see specialists.
Find out more about the differences between plans

High-deductible health plans (HDHPs)

  • Pay lower premiums with a higher deductible

High-deductible health plans (HDHPs) have become more common as employers lookto reduce their health costs. HDHPs have lower premiums than PPOs and HMOs, butmuch higher deductibles. A deductible is what you have to pay for health careservices before your health plan chips in money. Once you reach your deductible,the health plan pays a portion and you pay your share, which is calledcoinsurance.
Find out more about the differences between plans

Exclusive provider organization (EPO)

  • Restricted network of providers with lower premiums
  • You don't want to choose a primary care physician
  • You don't want to get a referral
  • You don't care about the ability to get out-of-network care

Exclusive provider organization (EPO) plans offer the flexibility of a PPO withthe restricted network found in an HMO. EPOs don't require that members get areferral to see a specialist. In that way, it's similar to a PPO. However, anEPO requires in-network care, which is like an HMO.
Find out more about the differences between plans

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What is the birthday rule for health insurance? (14)

What is the birthday rule for health insurance? (15)

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Individual insurance/Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act created insurance exchanges that allow people to compare plans.The health law also requires insurers to accept everyone and not charge them exorbitantrates. People who make below 400% of the federal poverty level qualify for subsidies tohelp pay for an ACA plan.
Know more individual insurance / ACA

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What is the birthday rule for health insurance? (16)

To find the kind of ACA plan for you, would you rather...

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Individual insurance/Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act created insurance exchanges that allow people to compareplans. The health law also requires insurers to accept everyone and not charge themexorbitant rates. People who make below 400% of the federal poverty level qualifyfor subsidies to help pay for an ACA plan.
Know more individual insurance / ACA

People who would prefer to pay lower premiums with a higher deductible may want the below plans

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What is the birthday rule for health insurance? (17)

  • Silver
  • Bronze

Silver is the second most popular plan in the ACA exchanges, with 35% of people with a Silver plan. Silver has lower premiums than any plan except for Bronze. However, it has lower out-of-pocket costs than Bronze. Silver plans pick up 70% of the costs, while members pay 30% The average single coverage in a Silver plan is $481 monthly and $1,179 for a family plan.

Bronze is the most popular type of plan in the ACA exchanges, with 41% of members with a Bronze plan. These plans have the lowest premiums, but also the highest out-of-pocket costs in the exchanges. Bronze plans pick up 60% of the costs, while members pay 40%. The average single coverage monthly cost in a Bronze plan is $440 and $1,080 for a family plan.

What is the birthday rule for health insurance? (18)

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Individual insurance/Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act created insurance exchanges that allow people to compareplans. The health law also requires insurers to accept everyone and not charge themexorbitant rates. People who make below 400% of the federal poverty level qualifyfor subsidies to help pay for an ACA plan.
Know more individual insurance / ACA

People who would prefer to pay higher premiums with a lower deductible maywant the below plans

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What is the birthday rule for health insurance? (19)

  • Platinum
  • Gold

Platinum plans have the highest premiums but the lowest out-of-pocketcosts. So, you pay more for the coverage initially but less than otherplans when you need health care services. Platinum plans pick up 90% ofthe costs, while members pay 10%, Not many health insurers offerPlatinum plans. Only 2% of members in ACA plans have a Platinum plan, soyou may have trouble finding one. The average monthly premiums forsingle coverage in a Platinum plan is $706 and the average familycoverage costs $1,460.

Gold plans have lower premiums than Platinum, but higher premiums thanSilver and Bronze. Gold also has lower out-of-pocket costs than Silverand Bronze, but higher than Platinum. Gold plans pick up 80% of thecosts, while members pay 20%. The average monthly premium for a singleGold plan is $596. Family coverage averages $1,426 per month.

What is the birthday rule for health insurance? (20)

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Health insurance FAQs

What is coordination of benefits?

Coordination of Benefits (COB) is how two insurance companies work together to cover an insured person. The primary health plan pays the costs first, and then the secondary plan will pick up any remaining costs.

Can both parents have health insurance for a child?

Yes. There’s no law against having a child on two plans, but one plan will always be primary. However, it’s worth examining the plans, coverage, and costs to see if it’s really worth paying for both plans to have secondary coverage.

What are the pros and cons of the birthday rule?

The health insurance birthday rule is an objective way of determining which plan should be primary, making it easy to decide. However, it prevents parents from deciding for themselves which plan is best to cover their children. One plan may have better benefits or work with a provider the other doesn’t.

How can you avoid the birthday rule when it comes to insurance?

The easiest way to avoid the birthday rule is to look at both health plans and decide which is the better choice. Then, move everyone to that plan and drop coverage with the other one.

What is the birthday rule for health insurance? (2024)


What is the birthday rule for health insurance? ›

The birthday rule applies when a child is covered under both parents' health plans. Primary coverage comes from the plan of the parent whose birthday (month and day only) comes first in the year, with the other parent's health plan providing secondary coverage.

What does birthday rule mean in medical billing? ›

The birthday rule determines primary and secondary insurance coverage when children are covered under both parents' insurance policies. The birthday rule says primary coverage comes from the plan of the parent whose birthday comes first in the year.

What are the exceptions to the birthday rule? ›

An exception to the birthday rule is also made during separation or divorce. The parent with child custody is usually responsible for primary payment before the other parent. If one of the parents remarries, their new spouse will provide secondary coverage. The plan of the parent with no custody will pay last.

What is the birthday rule used to determine? ›

Birthday Rule: This is a method used to determine when a plan is primary or secondary for a dependent child when covered by both parents' benefit plan. The parent whose birthday (month and day only) falls first in a calendar year is the parent with the primary coverage for the dependent.

Do I get kicked off my parents insurance on my birthday? ›

Generally, you can join a parent's plan and stay on until you turn 26 even if you: Get married. Have or adopt a child. Start or leave school.

What is the golden rule in medical billing? ›

The golden rule of healthcare billing and coding departments is, “Do not code it or bill for it if it's not documented in the medical record.” Providers use clinical documentation to justify reimbursem*nts to payers when a conflict with a claim arises.

What is the birthday law? ›

The California Birthday Rule is a Medicare Supplement rule specific to the state of California that allows Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in Medigap plans to change their plans without undergoing medical underwriting.

What is the guaranteed issue birthday rule? ›

What is the Birthday Rule? The Birthday Rule requires companies to provide “guaranteed issue” rights, once a year, to applicants who apply for the same Plan they are currently enrolled in, but with a different insurer. The application must be submitted within sixty (60) days after their birthday.

When did the birthday rule start? ›

The CA birthday rule began on July 1, 2020. The period allows for 60 (sixty) days after your birthday to switch to certain Medigap plans. To qualify for the Birthday rule you must: Live in California.

What is the insurance birthday rule for spouses? ›

If your birthday is earlier in the calendar than your spouse's, then you'll likely be the primary health insurance provider for the dependents. If you and your partner are legally separated or divorced and not remarried, then the one with primary custody of the children provides primary healthcare coverage.

What if my health insurance has the wrong date of birth? ›

To report changes, call Covered California at (800) 300-1506 or log in to your online account. You can also find a Licensed Insurance Agent, Certified Enrollment Counselor or county eligibility worker who can provide free assistance in your area.

Does the insurance birthday rule apply to step parents? ›

Having dual coverage can maximize your children's benefits. The birthday rule does not apply to step-parents or children who live in a blended family. You can't be reimbursed for more than the value of your bills. Age is not the issue; date of birth is.

Which insurance is primary when you have two? ›

Usually, your employer's plan is primary. If you also are covered by your spouse's plan, that plan is usually secondary. There are other rules for many other situations. A special case may come up if you have both medical and dental insurance, and you have a procedure such as oral surgery.

Can my parents keep me on their health insurance after 26? ›

You lose your parents' health insurance in California when you turn 26.

Do I lose my parents' insurance the day I turn 26 in United Healthcare? ›

Since 2010, young adults have been able to stay on their parents' health insurance plan until they turn 26. They can even stay on it if they have a job that offers health insurance, are married, are in school or no longer live with their parents.

How long can your parents claim you on their insurance? ›

If your parent's plan covers dependents, you usually can get added to or stay on your parent's health plan until you turn 26 years old. You can join or remain on a parent's plan even if you are: Married.

What is the birthday rule in insurance with the same month? ›

The birthday rule applies when a child is covered under both parents' health plans. Primary coverage comes from the plan of the parent whose birthday (month and day only) comes first in the year, with the other parent's health plan providing secondary coverage.

What is the birthday rule for insurance Quizlet? ›

The guideline that determines which of two parents with medical coverage has the primary insurance for a child; the parent whose day of birth is earlier in the calendar year is considered primary.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.