What Is Loan-To-Value (LTV) Ratio And How To Calculate It (2024)

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A loan-to-value (LTV) ratio is a metric that measures the amount of debt used to buy a home and compares that amount to the value of the home being purchased.

LTV is important because lenders use it when considering whether to approve a loan and/or what terms to offer a borrower. The higher the LTV, the higher the risk for the lender—if the borrower defaults, the lender is less likely to be able to recoup their money by selling the house.

What Is Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio?

The loan-to-value ratio is a simple formula that measures the amount of financing used to buy an asset relative to the value of that asset. It also shows how much equity a borrower has in the home they’ve borrowed against—how much money would be left if they sold the home and paid off the loan. LTV is the inverse of a borrower’s down payment. For example, a borrower who provides a 20% down payment has an LTV of 80%.

LTV is important because lenders can only approve loans up to certain ratios—80% for Fannie Mae and Freddie Macloans, for example. If your LTV is too high, your loan may not be approved. Or, you may have to purchase mortgage insurance, which protects your lender in case you default on the loan and the lender has to foreclose.

What Is a Good LTV?

What constitutes a good LTV generally varies by the type of asset being financed. When buying a home, an LTV of 80% or under is generally considered good—that’s the level you can’t exceed if you want to avoid paying for mortgage insurance. In order to achieve an 80% LTV, borrowers need to make a down payment of at least 20%, plus closing costs.

While 80% is considered adequate, conservative homeowners may want even lower LTVs in order to reduce their monthly payments or try to qualify for better interest rates.

How To Calculate LTV

To calculate your loan-to-value, all you need to do is to find the total amount borrowed against an asset. Then, divide that total by the appraised value of the property being financed.

LTV = Loan amount / Property value

It’s also important to keep in mind that the loan amount may include certain expenses that lenders let borrowers finance instead of paying up front at closing, like loan document preparation and filing fees, for example. However, those expenses do not contribute to the property value—so they increase your LTV.

How To Lower Your LTV

If you’re buying a home, one way to lower your LTV is by making a larger down payment. For example, if you wanted to borrow $400,000 and put down $10,000, your LTV would be 97.5%. You can’t qualify for a conventional loan with an LTV above 97%. Therefore, you would need to put down at least $12,000 to get your LTV to 97%.

Another way to lower your LTV when buying a home is by choosing a less expensive property. Putting down $10,000 on a $300,000 house instead of a $400,000 house would give you an LTV just under 97%.

Paying down your loan’s principal balance will also lower your LTV. And if your home increases in value, that will lower your LTV, too.

How LTV Affects Your Ability To Get a Home Loan

To get approved for a home loan, it’s generally good to plan to make a down payment of at least 20% of the home’s value—this would create an LTV of 80% or less. If your LTV exceeds 80%, your loan may not be approved, or you may need to purchase mortgage insurance in order to get approved.

LTV is also important because, if you’re buying a home and the appraised value of the home turns out to be substantially lower than the purchase price, you may need to make a larger down payment so that your LTV doesn’t exceed limits set by your lender.

If you already own a home and are thinking about taking out a home equity line of credit (HELOC), most lenders will let you borrow up to 90% of your home’s value, when combined with your existing mortgage. If the value of your home has fallen since you purchased it, you may not even be able to get a home equity loanor HELOC.

Let’s say you own a home that you bought five years ago and is worth $100,000. If you have a mortgage with an outstanding balance of $65,000, that means that your current LTV is 65%. If your credit is good and you qualify for additional financing, you may be able to borrow up to an additional $25,000 through a HELOC, bringing your total LTV up to 90%.

Lastly, if you already have a loan and your home value drops such that your LTV exceeds your lender’s limits, that’s usually not a problem, as most home loans aren’t callable, meaning the lender can’t demand repayment before the end of the loan term. But some HELOCs are. Or, if the term of your HELOC is almost up, your lender may choose not to extend it. If you have a balloon mortgage, you may have trouble refinancing your balloon payment at the end of your loan.

LTV vs. Combined LTV

While a loan-to-value ratio measures the amount borrowed against a house relative to the value of a house, combined LTV measures the total amount borrowed—across multiple loans—against the value of a house. This is important because, while many lenders only include primary mortgages in their LTV calculations, combined LTV includes the total amount borrowed in any loan secured by the property, including first and second mortgages, home equity lines of credit and home equity loans.

Loan-to-Value Rules for Different Mortgage Types

Every lender and loan type has its own limits and restrictions, including for borrowers’ LTVs. Some even have multiple thresholds—an absolute maximum and a maximum required to avoid additional protections such as mortgage insurance, for example.

Conventional Mortgages

Conventional mortgagesare those that conform to lending standards set by government-backed entities like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These loans represent the majority of all home loans underwritten in the United States. With conventional mortgages, lenders require a maximum LTV of 80% for borrowers who want to avoid buying private mortgage insurance<. If borrowers are willing to buy mortgage insurance—and the lender improves—borrowers may be able to get up to 97% LTV.

Mortgage Refinances

Maximum LTVs permitted when refinancingvary based on the type of property being refinanced, whether the loan is a fixed-rateor an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) and whether the borrower is doing a standard refinance or a cash-out refi.

UnitsFixed Rate LTV LimitARM LTV Limit

Primary residence

Standard refinance










Cash-out refinance







Second homes

Standard refinance





Not eligible

Not eligible

Cash-out refinance





Not eligible

Not eligible

Investment property

Standard refinance




Cash-out refinance







FHA Loans

FHA loans are loans issued directly by the Federal Housing Administration to homeowners. These loans are specifically designed to encourage homeownership among borrowers who would have trouble affording a down payment for a conventional loan. The maximum loan-to-value allowed under FHA loans is 96.5%.

It’s also worth noting that all FHA loans require borrowers to purchase mortgage insurance as part of the loan program, so borrowers don’t save any money by making larger down payments.

VA Loans

VA loansare government-backed mortgages that are designed specifically for memes of the U.S. military and veterans. Using VA loan programs, eligible borrowers can finance up to 100% of a home’s value. However, borrowers are typically still responsible for paying any fees and other costs at closing that, together with the purchase price, exceed the value of the home.

USDA Loans

USDA loansare government-issued loans that are issued directly by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and are meant to help individuals in rural areas afford homeownership. Using the USDA’s home loan programs, home buyers can finance up to 100% of a home purchase price for existing dwellings. For loans on existing homes, the USDA will often even cover “excess expenses” (those that exceed the home’s value), including:

  • Appraisal fee
  • Tax service fee
  • Homeownership education fee (a class people have to attend to qualify for a USDA loan)
  • Initial contribution to escrow

For new dwellings, USDA loans typically have a maximum LTV of 90% to 100%, but excess expenses are not eligible for financing.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does 80% LTV mean?

If you have 80% LTV, it means that you owe 80% of what your home is worth. For example, if you owed $400,000 on your mortgage, and your home has an appraised value of $500,000, that would give you a loan-to-value ratio of 80%.

What is considered a high LTV ratio?

Anything above 80% is considered a high LTV ratio. It usually means you’ll need to pay for mortgage insurance or get a piggyback loan. Even with an LTV of 75% or higher, you may pay a higher interest rate or have higher closing costs.

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What Is Loan-To-Value (LTV) Ratio And How To Calculate It (2024)


What Is Loan-To-Value (LTV) Ratio And How To Calculate It? ›

To figure out your LTV ratio, divide your current loan balance (you can find this number on your monthly statement or online account) by your home's appraised value. Multiply by 100 to convert this number to a percentage. Caroline's loan-to-value ratio is 35%.

What is LTV and how is it calculated? ›

Loan-to-value (LTV) is calculated simply by taking the loan amount and dividing it by the value of the asset or collateral being borrowed against.

What does 80% LTV mean? ›

LTV is the inverse of a borrower's down payment. For example, a borrower who provides a 20% down payment has an LTV of 80%. LTV is important because lenders can only approve loans up to certain ratios—80% for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loans, for example.

What is a good LTV ratio? ›

A good LTV ratio to aim for with most mortgage loans is around 80% or lower. An LTV in this range can help you secure a loan and boost your chances of avoiding mortgage insurance, saving you thousands on your mortgage.

What does 70% LTV mean? ›

Example. For instance, you have 2 BTC and want to make it collateral for your loan in USDT. If 1 BTC = $50,000, and you have $100,000 in total, you can only borrow 70% of that amount, meaning you will get 70,000 USDT at max. If you choose a 70% LTV, your loan amount is 70,000. If your LTV is 20%, then it's 20,000.

How do you calculate loan to value LTV ratio? ›

To figure out your LTV ratio, divide your current loan balance (you can find this number on your monthly statement or online account) by your home's appraised value. Multiply by 100 to convert this number to a percentage.

What is the loan-to-value ratio for a home purchased for $285000 with a down payment of $57000? ›

Then, you divide the loan amount by the purchase price and convert it to a percentage. In the question provided, the home was purchased for $285,000 with a down payment of $57,000. So, the LTV ratio for the home purchased is 80%, which corresponds to option D.

What is the maximum LTV for a mortgage? ›

What are the maximum and minimum Loan to Value mortgages? Generally, mortgage providers require a minimum of either a 5 or 10% deposit and therefore have a maximum LTV of either 90 or 95%. There is no minimum LTV, although some lenders do have minimum loan sizes.

What if the loan to value were 90 for a $200 000 home? ›

If the loan-to-value were 90% for a $200,000 home, the required down payment would be $20,000.

What is the golden ratio of LTV? ›

The ideal LTV to CAC ratio is 3:1. Ideally, you should get $3 in return for every $1 you spend on getting new customers. If you get 1:1, your business is really struggling. Less than 1:1, you are going to lose money—you are spending more than you are getting in return.

What is an example of LTV? ›

For example, if you make a $40,000 down payment on a home appraised for $200,000, your LTV ratio on the $160,000 loan would be 80%, good enough to qualify for most home loans.

What is a good LTV for interest rates? ›

70% LTV mortgages generally offer lower interest rates and monthly repayments than higher LTV mortgages. And while it's still challenging to save up a deposit worth 30% of a property, particularly if you're a first-time buyer, you might find that it's possible for you.

What is the maximum LTV for a conventional loan? ›

4. Conventional loan: up to 97% LTV allowed. Conventional loans are guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. Both groups offer 97% LTV purchase mortgages, which means you will need to make a downpayment of 3% to qualify.

Does LTV affect interest rates? ›

Lenders' Perspective on LTV

They're riskier, and a drop in house prices could spell trouble. Therefore, a lower LTV not only safeguards the lender but also often results in more attractive loan terms and lower interest rates for the borrower.

What is the loan-to-value ratio on a home with a sales price of $250000 and a conventional loan of $200,000? ›

For example, let's say the home you have your eye on is worth $250,000, and you plan to make a down payment of 20% of the home's price, or $50,000. That would mean you need a loan amount of $200,000. That would also mean your LTV ratio would be $200,000/$250,000 = 0.8, or 80%.

How do I find out my LTV? ›

It's simple to work out your LTV when remortgaging your home. You just need to divide the amount you still owe on your mortgage by your home's current value, then multiply that figure by 100.

What does a 90% LTV mean? ›

A 90% mortgage, also known as a 90% loan-to-value (LTV) mortgage, is a mortgage to purchase or remortgage a property with a 10% mortgage deposit. Your mortgage deposit is the amount of money that you need to pay upfront for a property purchase. It combines with your mortgage to make up 100% of the final purchase price.

What does 60% LTV mean? ›

Homeowners can easily calculate the LTV ratio by dividing the current mortgage amount for their home by the appraised property value. So, for a home with a mortgage of $120,000 and an appraised property value of $200,000, the LTV is 60% ($120,000 ÷ $200,000 = 60% LTV ratio).

What does 65% LTV mean? ›

A 65% LTV mortgage is any mortgage where you borrow 65% of the property's value and put down the remaining 35% as a deposit. The proportion of the property's value you're borrowing is known as the loan-to-value (LTV) which is why they're referred to a 65% LTV mortgage.

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