Simple YouTube Age Restriction Bypass (2024)

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Watch age restricted videos on YouTube without login and without age verification 😎

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How to install

You will need to install an extension such as Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey or Violentmonkey to install this script.

You will need to install an extension such as Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey to install this script.

You will need to install an extension such as Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey to install this script.

You will need to install an extension such as Tampermonkey or Userscripts to install this script.

You will need to install a user script manager extension to install this script.

(I already have a user script manager, let me install it!)

How to install

You will need to install an extension such as Stylus to install this script.

You will need to install an extension such as Stylus to install this script.

You will need to install an extension such as Stylus to install this script.

You will need to install a user style manager extension to install this script.

You will need to install a user style manager extension to install this script.

(I already have a user style manager, let me install it!)

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// ==UserScript==// @name Simple YouTube Age Restriction Bypass// @description Watch age restricted videos on YouTube without login and without age verification 😎// @description:de Schaue YouTube Videos mit Altersbeschränkungen ohne Anmeldung und ohne dein Alter zu bestätigen 😎// @description:fr Regardez des vidéos YouTube avec des restrictions d'âge sans vous inscrire et sans confirmer votre âge 😎// @description:it Guarda i video con restrizioni di età su YouTube senza login e senza verifica dell'età 😎// @icon @version 2.5.9// @author Zerody ( @namespace @supportURL @license MIT// @match*// @match*// @match*// @match*// @grant none// @run-at document-start// @compatible chrome// @compatible firefox// @compatible opera// @compatible edge// @compatible safari// ==/UserScript==/* This is a transpiled version to achieve a clean code base and better browser compatibility. You can find the nicely readable source code at*/(function iife(ranOnce) { // Trick to get around the sandbox restrictions in Greasemonkey (Firefox) // Inject code into the main window if criteria match if (this !== window && !ranOnce) { window.eval('(' + iife.toString() + ')(true);'); return; } // Script configuration variables const UNLOCKABLE_PLAYABILITY_STATUSES = ['AGE_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED', 'AGE_CHECK_REQUIRED', 'CONTENT_CHECK_REQUIRED', 'LOGIN_REQUIRED']; const VALID_PLAYABILITY_STATUSES = ['OK', 'LIVE_STREAM_OFFLINE']; // These are the proxy servers that are sometimes required to unlock videos with age restrictions. // You can host your own account proxy instance. See // To learn what information is transferred, please read: const ACCOUNT_PROXY_SERVER_HOST = ''; const VIDEO_PROXY_SERVER_HOST = ''; // User needs to confirm the unlock process on embedded player? let ENABLE_UNLOCK_CONFIRMATION_EMBED = true; // Show notification? let ENABLE_UNLOCK_NOTIFICATION = true; // Disable content warnings? let SKIP_CONTENT_WARNINGS = true; // Some Innertube bypass methods require the following authentication headers of the currently logged in user. const GOOGLE_AUTH_HEADER_NAMES = ['Authorization', 'X-Goog-AuthUser', 'X-Origin']; /** * The SQP parameter length is different for blurred thumbnails. * They contain much less information, than normal thumbnails. * The thumbnail SQPs tend to have a long and a short version. */ const BLURRED_THUMBNAIL_SQP_LENGTHS = [ 32, // Mobile (SHORT) 48, // Desktop Playlist (SHORT) 56, // Desktop (SHORT) 68, // Mobile (LONG) 72, // Mobile Shorts 84, // Desktop Playlist (LONG) 88, // Desktop (LONG) ]; // small hack to prevent tree shaking on these exports var Config = window[Symbol()] = { UNLOCKABLE_PLAYABILITY_STATUSES, VALID_PLAYABILITY_STATUSES, ACCOUNT_PROXY_SERVER_HOST, VIDEO_PROXY_SERVER_HOST, ENABLE_UNLOCK_CONFIRMATION_EMBED, ENABLE_UNLOCK_NOTIFICATION, SKIP_CONTENT_WARNINGS, GOOGLE_AUTH_HEADER_NAMES, BLURRED_THUMBNAIL_SQP_LENGTHS, }; function isGoogleVideoUrl(url) { return''); } function isGoogleVideoUnlockRequired(googleVideoUrl, lastProxiedGoogleVideoId) { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; const hasGcrFlag = urlParams.get('gcr'); const wasUnlockedByAccountProxy = urlParams.get('id') === lastProxiedGoogleVideoId; return hasGcrFlag && wasUnlockedByAccountProxy; } const nativeJSONParse = window.JSON.parse; const nativeXMLHttpRequestOpen =; const isDesktop = !== ''; const isMusic = === ''; const isEmbed = window.location.pathname.indexOf('/embed/') === 0; const isConfirmed ='unlock_confirmed'); class Deferred { constructor() { return Object.assign( new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.resolve = resolve; this.reject = reject; }), this, ); } } function createElement(tagName, options) { const node = document.createElement(tagName); options && Object.assign(node, options); return node; } function isObject(obj) { return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object'; } function findNestedObjectsByAttributeNames(object, attributeNames) { var results = []; // Does the current object match the attribute conditions? if (attributeNames.every((key) => typeof object[key] !== 'undefined')) { results.push(object); } // Diggin' deeper for each nested object (recursive) Object.keys(object).forEach((key) => { if (object[key] && typeof object[key] === 'object') { results.push(...findNestedObjectsByAttributeNames(object[key], attributeNames)); } }); return results; } function pageLoaded() { if (document.readyState === 'complete') return Promise.resolve(); const deferred = new Deferred(); window.addEventListener('load', deferred.resolve, { once: true }); return deferred; } function createDeepCopy(obj) { return nativeJSONParse(JSON.stringify(obj)); } function getYtcfgValue(name) { var _window$ytcfg; return (_window$ytcfg = window.ytcfg) === null || _window$ytcfg === void 0 ? void 0 : _window$ytcfg.get(name); } function getSignatureTimestamp() { return ( getYtcfgValue('STS') || (() => { var _document$querySelect; // STS is missing on embedded player. Retrieve from player base script as fallback... const playerBaseJsPath = (_document$querySelect = document.querySelector('script[src*="/base.js"]')) === null || _document$querySelect === void 0 ? void 0 : _document$querySelect.src; if (!playerBaseJsPath) return; const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', playerBaseJsPath, false); xmlhttp.send(null); return parseInt(xmlhttp.responseText.match(/signatureTimestamp:([0-9]*)/)[1]); })() ); } function isUserLoggedIn() { // LOGGED_IN doesn't exist on embedded page, use DELEGATED_SESSION_ID or SESSION_INDEX as fallback if (typeof getYtcfgValue('LOGGED_IN') === 'boolean') return getYtcfgValue('LOGGED_IN'); if (typeof getYtcfgValue('DELEGATED_SESSION_ID') === 'string') return true; if (parseInt(getYtcfgValue('SESSION_INDEX')) >= 0) return true; return false; } function getCurrentVideoStartTime(currentVideoId) { // Check if the URL corresponds to the requested video // This is not the case when the player gets preloaded for the next video in a playlist. if (window.location.href.includes(currentVideoId)) { var _ref; // "t"-param on urls // "start"-param on embed player // "time_continue" when clicking "watch on youtube" on embedded player const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; const startTimeString = (_ref = urlParams.get('t') || urlParams.get('start') || urlParams.get('time_continue')) === null || _ref === void 0 ? void 0 : _ref.replace('s', ''); if (startTimeString && !isNaN(startTimeString)) { return parseInt(startTimeString); } } return 0; } function setUrlParams(params) { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; for (const paramName in params) { urlParams.set(paramName, params[paramName]); } = urlParams; } function waitForElement(elementSelector, timeout) { const deferred = new Deferred(); const checkDomInterval = setInterval(() => { const elem = document.querySelector(elementSelector); if (elem) { clearInterval(checkDomInterval); deferred.resolve(elem); } }, 100); if (timeout) { setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(checkDomInterval); deferred.reject(); }, timeout); } return deferred; } function parseRelativeUrl(url) { if (typeof url !== 'string') { return null; } if (url.indexOf('/') === 0) { url = window.location.origin + url; } try { return url.indexOf('https://') === 0 ? new window.URL(url) : null; } catch { return null; } } function isWatchNextObject(parsedData) { var _parsedData$currentVi; if ( !(parsedData !== null && parsedData !== void 0 && parsedData.contents) || !(parsedData !== null && parsedData !== void 0 && (_parsedData$currentVi = parsedData.currentVideoEndpoint) !== null && _parsedData$currentVi !== void 0 && (_parsedData$currentVi = _parsedData$currentVi.watchEndpoint) !== null && _parsedData$currentVi !== void 0 && _parsedData$currentVi.videoId) ) return false; return !!parsedData.contents.twoColumnWatchNextResults || !!parsedData.contents.singleColumnWatchNextResults; } function isWatchNextSidebarEmpty(parsedData) { var _parsedData$contents2, _content$find; if (isDesktop) { var _parsedData$contents; // WEB response layout const result = (_parsedData$contents = parsedData.contents) === null || _parsedData$contents === void 0 || (_parsedData$contents = _parsedData$contents.twoColumnWatchNextResults) === null || _parsedData$contents === void 0 || (_parsedData$contents = _parsedData$contents.secondaryResults) === null || _parsedData$contents === void 0 || (_parsedData$contents = _parsedData$contents.secondaryResults) === null || _parsedData$contents === void 0 ? void 0 : _parsedData$contents.results; return !result; } // MWEB response layout const content = (_parsedData$contents2 = parsedData.contents) === null || _parsedData$contents2 === void 0 || (_parsedData$contents2 = _parsedData$contents2.singleColumnWatchNextResults) === null || _parsedData$contents2 === void 0 || (_parsedData$contents2 = _parsedData$contents2.results) === null || _parsedData$contents2 === void 0 || (_parsedData$contents2 = _parsedData$contents2.results) === null || _parsedData$contents2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _parsedData$contents2.contents; const result = content === null || content === void 0 || (_content$find = content.find((e) => { var _e$itemSectionRendere; return ((_e$itemSectionRendere = e.itemSectionRenderer) === null || _e$itemSectionRendere === void 0 ? void 0 : _e$itemSectionRendere.targetId) === 'watch-next-feed'; })) === null || _content$find === void 0 ? void 0 : _content$find.itemSectionRenderer; return typeof result !== 'object'; } function isPlayerObject(parsedData) { return (parsedData === null || parsedData === void 0 ? void 0 : parsedData.videoDetails) && (parsedData === null || parsedData === void 0 ? void 0 : parsedData.playabilityStatus); } function isEmbeddedPlayerObject(parsedData) { return typeof (parsedData === null || parsedData === void 0 ? void 0 : parsedData.previewPlayabilityStatus) === 'object'; } function isAgeRestricted(playabilityStatus) { var _playabilityStatus$er; if (!(playabilityStatus !== null && playabilityStatus !== void 0 && playabilityStatus.status)) return false; if (playabilityStatus.desktopLegacyAgeGateReason) return true; if (Config.UNLOCKABLE_PLAYABILITY_STATUSES.includes(playabilityStatus.status)) return true; // Fix to detect age restrictions on embed player // see return ( isEmbed && ((_playabilityStatus$er = playabilityStatus.errorScreen) === null || _playabilityStatus$er === void 0 || (_playabilityStatus$er = _playabilityStatus$er.playerErrorMessageRenderer) === null || _playabilityStatus$er === void 0 || (_playabilityStatus$er = _playabilityStatus$er.reason) === null || _playabilityStatus$er === void 0 || (_playabilityStatus$er = _playabilityStatus$er.runs) === null || _playabilityStatus$er === void 0 || (_playabilityStatus$er = _playabilityStatus$er.find((x) => x.navigationEndpoint)) === null || _playabilityStatus$er === void 0 || (_playabilityStatus$er = _playabilityStatus$er.navigationEndpoint) === null || _playabilityStatus$er === void 0 || (_playabilityStatus$er = _playabilityStatus$er.urlEndpoint) === null || _playabilityStatus$er === void 0 || (_playabilityStatus$er = _playabilityStatus$er.url) === null || _playabilityStatus$er === void 0 ? void 0 : _playabilityStatus$er.includes('/2802167')) ); } function isSearchResult(parsedData) { var _parsedData$contents3, _parsedData$contents4, _parsedData$onRespons; return ( typeof (parsedData === null || parsedData === void 0 || (_parsedData$contents3 = parsedData.contents) === null || _parsedData$contents3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _parsedData$contents3.twoColumnSearchResultsRenderer) === 'object' // Desktop initial results || (parsedData === null || parsedData === void 0 || (_parsedData$contents4 = parsedData.contents) === null || _parsedData$contents4 === void 0 || (_parsedData$contents4 = _parsedData$contents4.sectionListRenderer) === null || _parsedData$contents4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _parsedData$contents4.targetId) === 'search-feed' // Mobile initial results || (parsedData === null || parsedData === void 0 || (_parsedData$onRespons = parsedData.onResponseReceivedCommands) === null || _parsedData$onRespons === void 0 || (_parsedData$onRespons = _parsedData$onRespons.find((x) => x.appendContinuationItemsAction)) === null || _parsedData$onRespons === void 0 || (_parsedData$onRespons = _parsedData$onRespons.appendContinuationItemsAction) === null || _parsedData$onRespons === void 0 ? void 0 : _parsedData$onRespons.targetId) === 'search-feed' // Desktop & Mobile scroll continuation ); } function attach$4(obj, prop, onCall) { if (!obj || typeof obj[prop] !== 'function') { return; } let original = obj[prop]; obj[prop] = function() { try { onCall(arguments); } catch {} original.apply(this, arguments); }; } const logPrefix = '%cSimple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass:'; const logPrefixStyle = 'background-color: #1e5c85; color: #fff; font-size: 1.2em;'; const logSuffix = '\uD83D\uDC1E You can report bugs at:'; function error(err, msg) { console.error(logPrefix, logPrefixStyle, msg, err, getYtcfgDebugString(), '\n\n', logSuffix); if (window.SYARB_CONFIG) { window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('SYARB_LOG_ERROR', { detail: { message: (msg ? msg + '; ' : '') + (err && err.message ? err.message : ''), stack: err && err.stack ? err.stack : null, }, }), ); } } function info(msg) {, logPrefixStyle, msg); if (window.SYARB_CONFIG) { window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('SYARB_LOG_INFO', { detail: { message: msg, }, }), ); } } function getYtcfgDebugString() { try { return ( `InnertubeConfig: ` + `innertubeApiKey: ${getYtcfgValue('INNERTUBE_API_KEY')} ` + `innertubeClientName: ${getYtcfgValue('INNERTUBE_CLIENT_NAME')} ` + `innertubeClientVersion: ${getYtcfgValue('INNERTUBE_CLIENT_VERSION')} ` + `loggedIn: ${getYtcfgValue('LOGGED_IN')} ` ); } catch (err) { return `Failed to access config: ${err}`; } } /** * And here we deal with YouTube's crappy initial data (present in page source) and the problems that occur when intercepting that data. * YouTube has some protections in place that make it difficult to intercept and modify the global ytInitialPlayerResponse variable. * The easiest way would be to set a descriptor on that variable to change the value directly on declaration. * But some adblockers define their own descriptors on the ytInitialPlayerResponse variable, which makes it hard to register another descriptor on it. * As a workaround only the relevant playerResponse property of the ytInitialPlayerResponse variable will be intercepted. * This is achieved by defining a descriptor on the object prototype for that property, which affects any object with a `playerResponse` property. */ function attach$3(onInitialData) { interceptObjectProperty('playerResponse', (obj, playerResponse) => { info(`playerResponse property set, contains sidebar: ${!!obj.response}`); // The same object also contains the sidebar data and video description if (isObject(obj.response)) onInitialData(obj.response); // If the script is executed too late and the bootstrap data has already been processed, // a reload of the player can be forced by creating a deep copy of the object. // This is especially relevant if the userscript manager does not handle the `@run-at document-start` correctly. playerResponse.unlocked = false; onInitialData(playerResponse); return playerResponse.unlocked ? createDeepCopy(playerResponse) : playerResponse; }); // The global `ytInitialData` variable can be modified on the fly. // It contains search results, sidebar data and meta information // Not really important but fixes window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { if (isObject(window.ytInitialData)) { onInitialData(window.ytInitialData); } }); } function interceptObjectProperty(prop, onSet) { var _Object$getOwnPropert; // Allow other userscripts to decorate this descriptor, if they do something similar const dataKey = '__SYARB_' + prop; const { get: getter, set: setter } = (_Object$getOwnPropert = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.prototype, prop)) !== null && _Object$getOwnPropert !== void 0 ? _Object$getOwnPropert : { set(value) { this[dataKey] = value; }, get() { return this[dataKey]; }, }; // Intercept the given property on any object // The assigned attribute value and the context (enclosing object) are passed to the onSet function. Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, prop, { set(value) {, isObject(value) ? onSet(this, value) : value); }, get() { return; }, configurable: true, }); } // Intercept, inspect and modify JSON-based communication to unlock player responses by hijacking the JSON.parse function function attach$2(onJsonDataReceived) { window.JSON.parse = function() { const data = nativeJSONParse.apply(this, arguments); return isObject(data) ? onJsonDataReceived(data) : data; }; } function attach$1(onRequestCreate) { if (typeof window.Request !== 'function') { return; } window.Request = new Proxy(window.Request, { construct(target, args) { const [url, options] = args; try { const parsedUrl = parseRelativeUrl(url); const modifiedUrl = onRequestCreate(parsedUrl, options); if (modifiedUrl) { args[0] = modifiedUrl.toString(); } } catch (err) { error(err, `Failed to intercept Request()`); } return Reflect.construct(...arguments); }, }); } function attach(onXhrOpenCalled) { = function(method, url) { try { let parsedUrl = parseRelativeUrl(url); if (parsedUrl) { const modifiedUrl = onXhrOpenCalled(method, parsedUrl, this); if (modifiedUrl) { arguments[1] = modifiedUrl.toString(); } } } catch (err) { error(err, `Failed to intercept`); } nativeXMLHttpRequestOpen.apply(this, arguments); }; } const localStoragePrefix = 'SYARB_'; function set(key, value) { localStorage.setItem(localStoragePrefix + key, JSON.stringify(value)); } function get(key) { try { return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(localStoragePrefix + key)); } catch { return null; } } function getPlayer$1(payload, useAuth) { return sendInnertubeRequest('v1/player', payload, useAuth); } function getNext$1(payload, useAuth) { return sendInnertubeRequest('v1/next', payload, useAuth); } function sendInnertubeRequest(endpoint, payload, useAuth) { const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', `/youtubei/${endpoint}?key=${getYtcfgValue('INNERTUBE_API_KEY')}&prettyPrint=false`, false); if (useAuth && isUserLoggedIn()) { xmlhttp.withCredentials = true; Config.GOOGLE_AUTH_HEADER_NAMES.forEach((headerName) => { xmlhttp.setRequestHeader(headerName, get(headerName)); }); } xmlhttp.send(JSON.stringify(payload)); return nativeJSONParse(xmlhttp.responseText); } var innertube = { getPlayer: getPlayer$1, getNext: getNext$1, }; let nextResponseCache = {}; function getGoogleVideoUrl(originalUrl) { return Config.VIDEO_PROXY_SERVER_HOST + '/direct/' + btoa(originalUrl.toString()); } function getPlayer(payload) { // Also request the /next response if a later /next request is likely. if (!nextResponseCache[payload.videoId] && !isMusic && !isEmbed) { payload.includeNext = 1; } return sendRequest('getPlayer', payload); } function getNext(payload) { // Next response already cached? => Return cached content if (nextResponseCache[payload.videoId]) { return nextResponseCache[payload.videoId]; } return sendRequest('getNext', payload); } function sendRequest(endpoint, payload) { const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(payload); const proxyUrl = `${Config.ACCOUNT_PROXY_SERVER_HOST}/${endpoint}?${queryParams}&client=js`; try { const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', proxyUrl, false); xmlhttp.send(null); const proxyResponse = nativeJSONParse(xmlhttp.responseText); // Mark request as 'proxied' proxyResponse.proxied = true; // Put included /next response in the cache if (proxyResponse.nextResponse) { nextResponseCache[payload.videoId] = proxyResponse.nextResponse; delete proxyResponse.nextResponse; } return proxyResponse; } catch (err) { error(err, 'Proxy API Error'); return { errorMessage: 'Proxy Connection failed' }; } } var proxy = { getPlayer, getNext, getGoogleVideoUrl, }; function getUnlockStrategies$1(videoId, lastPlayerUnlockReason) { var _getYtcfgValue$client; const clientName = getYtcfgValue('INNERTUBE_CLIENT_NAME') || 'WEB'; const clientVersion = getYtcfgValue('INNERTUBE_CLIENT_VERSION') || '2.20220203.04.00'; const hl = getYtcfgValue('HL'); const userInterfaceTheme = (_getYtcfgValue$client = getYtcfgValue('INNERTUBE_CONTEXT').client.userInterfaceTheme) !== null && _getYtcfgValue$client !== void 0 ? _getYtcfgValue$client : document.documentElement.hasAttribute('dark') ? 'USER_INTERFACE_THEME_DARK' : 'USER_INTERFACE_THEME_LIGHT'; return [ /** * Retrieve the sidebar and video description by just adding `racyCheckOk` and `contentCheckOk` params * This strategy can be used to bypass content warnings */ { name: 'Content Warning Bypass', skip: !lastPlayerUnlockReason || !lastPlayerUnlockReason.includes('CHECK_REQUIRED'), optionalAuth: true, payload: { context: { client: { clientName, clientVersion, hl, userInterfaceTheme, }, }, videoId, racyCheckOk: true, contentCheckOk: true, }, endpoint: innertube, }, /** * Retrieve the sidebar and video description from an account proxy server. * Session cookies of an age-verified Google account are stored on server side. * See */ { name: 'Account Proxy', payload: { videoId, clientName, clientVersion, hl, userInterfaceTheme, isEmbed: +isEmbed, isConfirmed: +isConfirmed, }, endpoint: proxy, }, ]; } function getUnlockStrategies(videoId, reason) { const clientName = getYtcfgValue('INNERTUBE_CLIENT_NAME') || 'WEB'; const clientVersion = getYtcfgValue('INNERTUBE_CLIENT_VERSION') || '2.20220203.04.00'; const signatureTimestamp = getSignatureTimestamp(); const startTimeSecs = getCurrentVideoStartTime(videoId); const hl = getYtcfgValue('HL'); return [ /** * Retrieve the video info by just adding `racyCheckOk` and `contentCheckOk` params * This strategy can be used to bypass content warnings */ { name: 'Content Warning Bypass', skip: !reason || !reason.includes('CHECK_REQUIRED'), optionalAuth: true, payload: { context: { client: { clientName: clientName, clientVersion: clientVersion, hl, }, }, playbackContext: { contentPlaybackContext: { signatureTimestamp, }, }, videoId, startTimeSecs, racyCheckOk: true, contentCheckOk: true, }, endpoint: innertube, }, /** * Retrieve the video info by using the TVHTML5 Embedded client * This client has no age restrictions in place (2022-03-28) * See */ { name: 'TV Embedded Player', requiresAuth: false, payload: { context: { client: { clientName: 'TVHTML5_SIMPLY_EMBEDDED_PLAYER', clientVersion: '2.0', clientScreen: 'WATCH', hl, }, thirdParty: { embedUrl: '', }, }, playbackContext: { contentPlaybackContext: { signatureTimestamp, }, }, videoId, startTimeSecs, racyCheckOk: true, contentCheckOk: true, }, endpoint: innertube, }, /** * Retrieve the video info by using the WEB_CREATOR client in combination with user authentication * Requires that the user is logged in. Can bypass the tightened age verification in the EU. * See */ { name: 'Creator + Auth', requiresAuth: true, payload: { context: { client: { clientName: 'WEB_CREATOR', clientVersion: '1.20210909.07.00', hl, }, }, playbackContext: { contentPlaybackContext: { signatureTimestamp, }, }, videoId, startTimeSecs, racyCheckOk: true, contentCheckOk: true, }, endpoint: innertube, }, /** * Retrieve the video info from an account proxy server. * Session cookies of an age-verified Google account are stored on server side. * See */ { name: 'Account Proxy', payload: { videoId, reason, clientName, clientVersion, signatureTimestamp, startTimeSecs, hl, isEmbed: +isEmbed, isConfirmed: +isConfirmed, }, endpoint: proxy, }, ]; } var buttonTemplate = '<div style="margin-top: 15px !important; padding: 3px 10px 3px 10px; margin: 0px auto; background-color: #4d4d4d; width: fit-content; font-size: 1.2em; text-transform: uppercase; border-radius: 3px; cursor: pointer;">\n <div class="button-text"></div>\n</div>'; let buttons = {}; async function addButton(id, text, backgroundColor, onClick) { const errorScreenElement = await waitForElement('.ytp-error', 2000); const buttonElement = createElement('div', { class: 'button-container', innerHTML: buttonTemplate }); buttonElement.getElementsByClassName('button-text')[0].innerText = text; if (backgroundColor) { buttonElement.querySelector(':scope > div').style['background-color'] = backgroundColor; } if (typeof onClick === 'function') { buttonElement.addEventListener('click', onClick); } // Button already attached? if (buttons[id] && buttons[id].isConnected) { return; } buttons[id] = buttonElement; errorScreenElement.append(buttonElement); } function removeButton(id) { if (buttons[id] && buttons[id].isConnected) { buttons[id].remove(); } } const confirmationButtonId = 'confirmButton'; const confirmationButtonText = 'Click to unlock'; function isConfirmationRequired() { return !isConfirmed && isEmbed && Config.ENABLE_UNLOCK_CONFIRMATION_EMBED; } function requestConfirmation() { addButton(confirmationButtonId, confirmationButtonText, null, () => { removeButton(confirmationButtonId); confirm(); }); } function confirm() { setUrlParams({ unlock_confirmed: 1, autoplay: 1, }); } var tDesktop = '<tp-yt-paper-toast></tp-yt-paper-toast>\n'; var tMobile = '<c3-toast>\n <ytm-notification-action-renderer>\n <div class="notification-action-response-text"></div>\n </ytm-notification-action-renderer>\n</c3-toast>\n'; const template = isDesktop ? tDesktop : tMobile; const nToastContainer = createElement('div', { id: 'toast-container', innerHTML: template }); const nToast = nToastContainer.querySelector(':scope > *'); // On YT Music show the toast above the player controls if (isMusic) {['margin-bottom'] = '85px'; } if (!isDesktop) { nToast.nMessage = nToast.querySelector('.notification-action-response-text'); = (message) => { nToast.nMessage.innerText = message; nToast.setAttribute('dir', 'in'); setTimeout(() => { nToast.setAttribute('dir', 'out'); }, nToast.duration + 225); }; } async function show(message, duration = 5) { if (!Config.ENABLE_UNLOCK_NOTIFICATION) return; if (isEmbed) return; await pageLoaded(); // Do not show notification when tab is in background if (document.visibilityState === 'hidden') return; // Append toast container to DOM, if not already done if (!nToastContainer.isConnected) document.documentElement.append(nToastContainer); nToast.duration = duration * 1000;; } var Toast = { show }; const messagesMap = { success: 'Age-restricted video successfully unlocked!', fail: 'Unable to unlock this video 🙁 - More information in the developer console', }; let lastPlayerUnlockVideoId = null; let lastPlayerUnlockReason = null; let lastProxiedGoogleVideoUrlParams; let cachedPlayerResponse = {}; function getLastProxiedGoogleVideoId() { var _lastProxiedGoogleVid; return (_lastProxiedGoogleVid = lastProxiedGoogleVideoUrlParams) === null || _lastProxiedGoogleVid === void 0 ? void 0 : _lastProxiedGoogleVid.get('id'); } function unlockResponse$1(playerResponse) { var _playerResponse$video, _playerResponse$playa, _playerResponse$previ, _unlockedPlayerRespon, _unlockedPlayerRespon3; // Check if the user has to confirm the unlock first if (isConfirmationRequired()) { info('Unlock confirmation required.'); requestConfirmation(); return; } const videoId = ((_playerResponse$video = playerResponse.videoDetails) === null || _playerResponse$video === void 0 ? void 0 : _playerResponse$video.videoId) || getYtcfgValue('PLAYER_VARS').video_id; const reason = ((_playerResponse$playa = playerResponse.playabilityStatus) === null || _playerResponse$playa === void 0 ? void 0 : _playerResponse$playa.status) || ((_playerResponse$previ = playerResponse.previewPlayabilityStatus) === null || _playerResponse$previ === void 0 ? void 0 : _playerResponse$previ.status); if (!Config.SKIP_CONTENT_WARNINGS && reason.includes('CHECK_REQUIRED')) { info(`SKIP_CONTENT_WARNINGS disabled and ${reason} status detected.`); return; } lastPlayerUnlockVideoId = videoId; lastPlayerUnlockReason = reason; const unlockedPlayerResponse = getUnlockedPlayerResponse(videoId, reason); // account proxy error? if (unlockedPlayerResponse.errorMessage) {`${} (ProxyError)`, 10); throw new Error(`Player Unlock Failed, Proxy Error Message: ${unlockedPlayerResponse.errorMessage}`); } // check if the unlocked response isn't playable if ( !Config.VALID_PLAYABILITY_STATUSES.includes( (_unlockedPlayerRespon = unlockedPlayerResponse.playabilityStatus) === null || _unlockedPlayerRespon === void 0 ? void 0 : _unlockedPlayerRespon.status, ) ) { var _unlockedPlayerRespon2;`${} (PlayabilityError)`, 10); throw new Error( `Player Unlock Failed, playabilityStatus: ${ (_unlockedPlayerRespon2 = unlockedPlayerResponse.playabilityStatus) === null || _unlockedPlayerRespon2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _unlockedPlayerRespon2.status }`, ); } // if the video info was retrieved via proxy, store the URL params from the url-attribute to detect later if the requested video file ( need a proxy. if ( unlockedPlayerResponse.proxied && (_unlockedPlayerRespon3 = unlockedPlayerResponse.streamingData) !== null && _unlockedPlayerRespon3 !== void 0 && _unlockedPlayerRespon3.adaptiveFormats ) { var _unlockedPlayerRespon4, _unlockedPlayerRespon5; const cipherText = (_unlockedPlayerRespon4 = unlockedPlayerResponse.streamingData.adaptiveFormats.find((x) => x.signatureCipher )) === null || _unlockedPlayerRespon4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _unlockedPlayerRespon4.signatureCipher; const videoUrl = cipherText ? new URLSearchParams(cipherText).get('url') : (_unlockedPlayerRespon5 = unlockedPlayerResponse.streamingData.adaptiveFormats.find((x) => x.url)) === null || _unlockedPlayerRespon5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _unlockedPlayerRespon5.url; lastProxiedGoogleVideoUrlParams = videoUrl ? new URLSearchParams(new window.URL(videoUrl).search) : null; } // Overwrite the embedded (preview) playabilityStatus with the unlocked one if (playerResponse.previewPlayabilityStatus) { playerResponse.previewPlayabilityStatus = unlockedPlayerResponse.playabilityStatus; } // Transfer all unlocked properties to the original player response Object.assign(playerResponse, unlockedPlayerResponse); playerResponse.unlocked = true;; } function getUnlockedPlayerResponse(videoId, reason) { // Check if response is cached if (cachedPlayerResponse.videoId === videoId) return createDeepCopy(cachedPlayerResponse); const unlockStrategies = getUnlockStrategies(videoId, reason); let unlockedPlayerResponse = {}; // Try every strategy until one of them works unlockStrategies.every((strategy, index) => { var _unlockedPlayerRespon6; // Skip strategy if authentication is required and the user is not logged in if (strategy.skip || strategy.requiresAuth && !isUserLoggedIn()) return true; info(`Trying Player Unlock Method #${index + 1} (${})`); try { unlockedPlayerResponse = strategy.endpoint.getPlayer(strategy.payload, strategy.requiresAuth || strategy.optionalAuth); } catch (err) { error(err, `Player Unlock Method ${index + 1} failed with exception`); } const isStatusValid = Config.VALID_PLAYABILITY_STATUSES.includes( (_unlockedPlayerRespon6 = unlockedPlayerResponse) === null || _unlockedPlayerRespon6 === void 0 || (_unlockedPlayerRespon6 = _unlockedPlayerRespon6.playabilityStatus) === null || _unlockedPlayerRespon6 === void 0 ? void 0 : _unlockedPlayerRespon6.status, ); if (isStatusValid) { var _unlockedPlayerRespon7; /** * Workaround: * * YouTube checks if the `trackingParams` in the response matches the decoded `trackingParam` in `responseContext.mainAppWebResponseContext`. * However, sometimes the response does not include the `trackingParam` in the `responseContext`, causing the check to fail. * * This workaround addresses the issue by hardcoding the `trackingParams` in the response context. */ if ( !unlockedPlayerResponse.trackingParams || !((_unlockedPlayerRespon7 = unlockedPlayerResponse.responseContext) !== null && _unlockedPlayerRespon7 !== void 0 && (_unlockedPlayerRespon7 = _unlockedPlayerRespon7.mainAppWebResponseContext) !== null && _unlockedPlayerRespon7 !== void 0 && _unlockedPlayerRespon7.trackingParam) ) { unlockedPlayerResponse.trackingParams = 'CAAQu2kiEwjor8uHyOL_AhWOvd4KHavXCKw='; unlockedPlayerResponse.responseContext = { mainAppWebResponseContext: { trackingParam: 'kx_fmPxhoPZRzgL8kzOwANUdQh8ZwHTREkw2UqmBAwpBYrzRgku*msNLBwOcCE59TDtslLKPQ-SS', }, }; } /** * Workaround: Account proxy response currently does not include `playerConfig` * * Stays here until we rewrite the account proxy to only include the necessary and bare minimum response */ if (strategy.payload.startTimeSecs && === 'Account Proxy') { unlockedPlayerResponse.playerConfig = { playbackStartConfig: { startSeconds: strategy.payload.startTimeSecs, }, }; } } return !isStatusValid; }); // Cache response to prevent a flood of requests in case youtube processes a blocked response mutiple times. cachedPlayerResponse = { videoId, ...createDeepCopy(unlockedPlayerResponse) }; return unlockedPlayerResponse; } let cachedNextResponse = {}; function unlockResponse(originalNextResponse) { const videoId = originalNextResponse.currentVideoEndpoint.watchEndpoint.videoId; if (!videoId) { throw new Error(`Missing videoId in nextResponse`); } // Only unlock the /next response when the player has been unlocked as well if (videoId !== lastPlayerUnlockVideoId) { return; } const unlockedNextResponse = getUnlockedNextResponse(videoId); // check if the sidebar of the unlocked response is still empty if (isWatchNextSidebarEmpty(unlockedNextResponse)) { throw new Error(`Sidebar Unlock Failed`); } // Transfer some parts of the unlocked response to the original response mergeNextResponse(originalNextResponse, unlockedNextResponse); } function getUnlockedNextResponse(videoId) { // Check if response is cached if (cachedNextResponse.videoId === videoId) return createDeepCopy(cachedNextResponse); const unlockStrategies = getUnlockStrategies$1(videoId, lastPlayerUnlockReason); let unlockedNextResponse = {}; // Try every strategy until one of them works unlockStrategies.every((strategy, index) => { if (strategy.skip) return true; info(`Trying Next Unlock Method #${index + 1} (${})`); try { unlockedNextResponse = strategy.endpoint.getNext(strategy.payload, strategy.optionalAuth); } catch (err) { error(err, `Next Unlock Method ${index + 1} failed with exception`); } return isWatchNextSidebarEmpty(unlockedNextResponse); }); // Cache response to prevent a flood of requests in case youtube processes a blocked response mutiple times. cachedNextResponse = { videoId, ...createDeepCopy(unlockedNextResponse) }; return unlockedNextResponse; } function mergeNextResponse(originalNextResponse, unlockedNextResponse) { var _unlockedNextResponse; if (isDesktop) { // Transfer WatchNextResults to original response originalNextResponse.contents.twoColumnWatchNextResults.secondaryResults = unlockedNextResponse.contents.twoColumnWatchNextResults.secondaryResults; // Transfer video description to original response const originalVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer = originalNextResponse.contents.twoColumnWatchNextResults.results.results.contents.find( (x) => x.videoSecondaryInfoRenderer, ).videoSecondaryInfoRenderer; const unlockedVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer = unlockedNextResponse.contents.twoColumnWatchNextResults.results.results.contents.find( (x) => x.videoSecondaryInfoRenderer, ).videoSecondaryInfoRenderer; // TODO: Throw if description not found? if (unlockedVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer.description) { originalVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer.description = unlockedVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer.description; } else if (unlockedVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer.attributedDescription) { originalVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer.attributedDescription = unlockedVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer.attributedDescription; } return; } // Transfer WatchNextResults to original response const unlockedWatchNextFeed = (_unlockedNextResponse = unlockedNextResponse.contents) === null || _unlockedNextResponse === void 0 || (_unlockedNextResponse = _unlockedNextResponse.singleColumnWatchNextResults) === null || _unlockedNextResponse === void 0 || (_unlockedNextResponse = _unlockedNextResponse.results) === null || _unlockedNextResponse === void 0 || (_unlockedNextResponse = _unlockedNextResponse.results) === null || _unlockedNextResponse === void 0 || (_unlockedNextResponse = _unlockedNextResponse.contents) === null || _unlockedNextResponse === void 0 ? void 0 : _unlockedNextResponse.find( (x) => { var _x$itemSectionRendere; return ((_x$itemSectionRendere = x.itemSectionRenderer) === null || _x$itemSectionRendere === void 0 ? void 0 : _x$itemSectionRendere.targetId) === 'watch-next-feed'; }, ); if (unlockedWatchNextFeed) originalNextResponse.contents.singleColumnWatchNextResults.results.results.contents.push(unlockedWatchNextFeed); // Transfer video description to original response const originalStructuredDescriptionContentRenderer = originalNextResponse.engagementPanels .find((x) => x.engagementPanelSectionListRenderer) .engagementPanelSectionListRenderer.content.structuredDescriptionContentRenderer.items.find((x) => x.expandableVideoDescriptionBodyRenderer); const unlockedStructuredDescriptionContentRenderer = unlockedNextResponse.engagementPanels .find((x) => x.engagementPanelSectionListRenderer) .engagementPanelSectionListRenderer.content.structuredDescriptionContentRenderer.items.find((x) => x.expandableVideoDescriptionBodyRenderer); if (unlockedStructuredDescriptionContentRenderer.expandableVideoDescriptionBodyRenderer) { originalStructuredDescriptionContentRenderer.expandableVideoDescriptionBodyRenderer = unlockedStructuredDescriptionContentRenderer.expandableVideoDescriptionBodyRenderer; } } /** * Handles XMLHttpRequests and * - Rewrite Googlevideo URLs to Proxy URLs (if necessary) * - Store auth headers for the authentication of further unlock requests. * - Add "content check ok" flags to request bodys */ function handleXhrOpen(method, url, xhr) { let proxyUrl = unlockGoogleVideo(url); if (proxyUrl) { // Exclude credentials from XMLHttpRequest Object.defineProperty(xhr, 'withCredentials', { set: () => {}, get: () => false, }); return proxyUrl; } if (url.pathname.indexOf('/youtubei/') === 0) { // Store auth headers in storage for further usage. attach$4(xhr, 'setRequestHeader', ([headerName, headerValue]) => { if (Config.GOOGLE_AUTH_HEADER_NAMES.includes(headerName)) { set(headerName, headerValue); } }); } if (Config.SKIP_CONTENT_WARNINGS && method === 'POST' && ['/youtubei/v1/player', '/youtubei/v1/next'].includes(url.pathname)) { // Add content check flags to player and next request (this will skip content warnings) attach$4(xhr, 'send', (args) => { if (typeof args[0] === 'string') { args[0] = setContentCheckOk(args[0]); } }); } } /** * Handles Fetch requests and * - Rewrite Googlevideo URLs to Proxy URLs (if necessary) * - Store auth headers for the authentication of further unlock requests. * - Add "content check ok" flags to request bodys */ function handleFetchRequest(url, requestOptions) { let newGoogleVideoUrl = unlockGoogleVideo(url); if (newGoogleVideoUrl) { // Exclude credentials from Fetch Request if (requestOptions.credentials) { requestOptions.credentials = 'omit'; } return newGoogleVideoUrl; } if (url.pathname.indexOf('/youtubei/') === 0 && isObject(requestOptions.headers)) { // Store auth headers in authStorage for further usage. for (let headerName in requestOptions.headers) { if (Config.GOOGLE_AUTH_HEADER_NAMES.includes(headerName)) { set(headerName, requestOptions.headers[headerName]); } } } if (Config.SKIP_CONTENT_WARNINGS && ['/youtubei/v1/player', '/youtubei/v1/next'].includes(url.pathname)) { // Add content check flags to player and next request (this will skip content warnings) requestOptions.body = setContentCheckOk(requestOptions.body); } } /** * If the account proxy was used to retrieve the video info, the following applies: * some video files (mostly music videos) can only be accessed from IPs in the same country as the innertube api request (/youtubei/v1/player) was made. * to get around this, the googlevideo URL will be replaced with a web-proxy URL in the same country (US). * this is only required if the "gcr=[countrycode]" flag is set in the googlevideo-url... * @returns The rewitten url (if a proxy is required) */ function unlockGoogleVideo(url) { if (Config.VIDEO_PROXY_SERVER_HOST && isGoogleVideoUrl(url)) { if (isGoogleVideoUnlockRequired(url, getLastProxiedGoogleVideoId())) { return proxy.getGoogleVideoUrl(url); } } } /** * Adds `contentCheckOk` and `racyCheckOk` to the given json data (if the data contains a video id) * @returns {string} The modified json */ function setContentCheckOk(bodyJson) { try { let parsedBody = JSON.parse(bodyJson); if (parsedBody.videoId) { parsedBody.contentCheckOk = true; parsedBody.racyCheckOk = true; return JSON.stringify(parsedBody); } } catch {} return bodyJson; } function processThumbnails(responseObject) { const thumbnails = findNestedObjectsByAttributeNames(responseObject, ['url', 'height']); let blurredThumbnailCount = 0; for (const thumbnail of thumbnails) { if (isThumbnailBlurred(thumbnail)) { blurredThumbnailCount++; thumbnail.url = thumbnail.url.split('?')[0]; } } info(blurredThumbnailCount + '/' + thumbnails.length + ' thumbnails detected as blurred.'); } function isThumbnailBlurred(thumbnail) { const hasSQPParam = thumbnail.url.indexOf('?sqp=') !== -1; if (!hasSQPParam) { return false; } const SQPLength = new URL(thumbnail.url).searchParams.get('sqp').length; const isBlurred = Config.BLURRED_THUMBNAIL_SQP_LENGTHS.includes(SQPLength); return isBlurred; } try { attach$3(processYtData); attach$2(processYtData); attach(handleXhrOpen); attach$1(handleFetchRequest); } catch (err) { error(err, 'Error while attaching data interceptors'); } function processYtData(ytData) { try { // Player Unlock #1: Initial page data structure and response from `/youtubei/v1/player` XHR request if (isPlayerObject(ytData) && isAgeRestricted(ytData.playabilityStatus)) { unlockResponse$1(ytData); } // Player Unlock #2: Embedded Player inital data structure else if (isEmbeddedPlayerObject(ytData) && isAgeRestricted(ytData.previewPlayabilityStatus)) { unlockResponse$1(ytData); } } catch (err) { error(err, 'Video unlock failed'); } try { // Unlock sidebar watch next feed (sidebar) and video description if (isWatchNextObject(ytData) && isWatchNextSidebarEmpty(ytData)) { unlockResponse(ytData); } // Mobile version if (isWatchNextObject(ytData.response) && isWatchNextSidebarEmpty(ytData.response)) { unlockResponse(ytData.response); } } catch (err) { error(err, 'Sidebar unlock failed'); } try { // Unlock blurry video thumbnails in search results if (isSearchResult(ytData)) { processThumbnails(ytData); } } catch (err) { error(err, 'Thumbnail unlock failed'); } return ytData; }})();
Simple YouTube Age Restriction Bypass (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.