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For rules of exponents applied to algebraic functions instead of numerical examples, read Rules of Exponents - Algebraic.

To evaluate expressions with exponents, refer to the rules of exponents in the table below. Remember that these rules are true if \(a\) is positive, and \(m\) and \(n\) are real numbers.

\[\begin{array} { c | c }\textbf{ Rule name} & \textbf{ Rule } \\ \hline\text{Product Rule} & a^m \times a ^n = a ^{m+n} \\ & a ^n \times b^n = (a \times b)^ n \\\hline\text{Quotient Rule} & a^n / a^m = a^ { n - m } \\ & a^n / b^n = (a/b) ^ n \\\hline\text{Negative Exponent} & a^ {-n} = 1/a^n \\\hline\text{Power Rule} & (a^n)^m = a^ { n \times m } \\[5 pts]\hline\text{Tower Rule}& a ^ { n^ m } = a ^ { \left ( n^ m \right) } \\\hline\text{Fraction Rule} & a ^ { 1/n} = \sqrt[n]{a } \\ & \sqrt[m]{ a^n} = a^ { n/m} \\\hline\text{Zero Rule} & a^0 = 1 \\& 0^ a = 0 \text{ for } a > 0 \\\hline\text{One Rule} & a^1 = a \\& 1^a = 1 \end{array}\]


  • Rule of Exponents: Product
  • Rule of Exponents: Quotient
  • Negative Exponents
  • Power Rule
  • Tower of Exponents
  • Rule of Exponents: Fractions
  • Rule of Exponents: Special Cases
  • Problem Solving
  • See Also

Rule of Exponents: Product

When the bases of two numbers in multiplication are the same, their exponents are added and the base remains the same. If \(a\) is a positive real number and \(m,n\) are any real numbers, then

\[\large a^m \times a^n = a^{ m + n } .\]

What is \(2^3 \times 2^4?\)

We have

\[ 2^3 \times 2^4 = (2 \times 2 \times 2) \times (2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2) = 2^7.\]

In other words,

\[ 2^3 \times 2^4 = 2 ^{3+4} = 2^7. \ _\square \]

What is \(3^2 \times 3^6?\)

We have

\[ 3^2 \times 3^6 = 3 ^{2+6} = 3^8. \ _\square \]

\[2000^{2001}\] \[2000^{4000}\] \[4000000^{2000}\] \[4000^{2000}\] \[2000^{4000000}\]

\[\large \color{red}{2000}\left(\color{blue}{2000}^{\color{green}{2000}}\right) = \, \color{purple}? \]

68 70 72 74 75

\[\large \left({\color{blue}3}^{23} - {\color{blue}3}^{22}\right)\left({\color{blue}3}^{24} - {\color{blue}3}^{23}\right) \left({\color{blue}3}^{25} - {\color{blue}3}^{24}\right)\]

This expression can be simplified as \({\color{red}2}^{\color{purple}m} \times {\color{blue}3}^{\color{teal}n}\).

What is \({\color{purple}m} + {\color{teal}n}?\)

\[5^{56}\] \[5^{275}\] \[25^{56}\] \[25^{275}\]

\[\large \color{brown}5^{55} + \color{brown}5^{55} + \color{brown}5^{55} + \color{brown}5^{55} +\color{brown} 5^{55} = \, ? \]

When the exponents of two numbers in multiplication are the same, then bases are multiplied and the exponent remains the same. If \(a, b\) are positive real numbers and \(n\) is any real number, then we have

\[\large a ^n \times b^n = (a \times b)^ n. \]

Here are some examples based on the above rule.

What is \( (2 \times 3)^5?\)

We have

\[ (2 \times 3)^5 = 2^5 \times 3^5 = 2^5 3^5. \ _\square \]

What is \( 2^3 \times 5^3?\)

We have

\[ 2 ^ 3 \times 5 ^ 3 = ( 2 \times 5 )^3 = 10 ^3 = 1000. \ _\square \]

Here is a problem for you to try:

\[ ( 33 \times 33)^3\] \[ (27 \times 33)^3\] \[ (81 \times 33)^3\] \[ ( 333 \times 3)^3\]

\[ \large \left( 3 \times 3^3\right)^3 \times (33)^3 \]

Evaluate the expression above.

Rule of Exponents: Quotient

When the bases of two numbers in division are the same, then exponents are subtracted and the base remains the same. If is \(a\) positive real number and \(m,n\) are any real numbers, then we have

\[\large \dfrac{a^n}{a^m} = a^ { n - m }. \]

Go through the following examples to understand this rule.

What is \( 2^5 \div 2^3?\)

We have

\[ 2^5 \div 2^3 = \frac{2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2}{2 \times 2 \times 2} = 2 \times 2 = 2^2. \]

In other words,

\[ 2^5 \div 2^3 = 2^{5-3} = 2^2. \ _\square\]

Simplify \( \dfrac{ 3^4 }{ 3 ^2} . \)

We have

\[ \frac{ 3^4 }{ 3 ^2} = 3 ^{4-2} = 3^2 =9. \ _\square\]

Practice your mind at the following problems.

\[\dfrac{1}{2}\] \[1\] \[\dfrac{3}{2}\] \[2\]

\[\large \dfrac{ \color{green}2^{\color{blue}{5}}\times \color{green} 2^{\color{blue}{7}}}{\color{green} 2^{{\color{blue}{10}}}\times \color{green} 2^{\color{blue}{3}}}\times \color{purple}{3^0} = \ ? \]

\[0.2\] \[30\] \[36\] \[6^{2005} \] \[6^{2007} \]

\[ \large \frac {\color{red}6^{\color{blue}{2007}} - \color{red}6^{\color{blue}{2006}}}{\color{green}{30}} = \ ? \]

When the exponents of two numbers in division are the same, then the bases are divided and the exponent remains the same. If \(a, b\) are positive real numbers and \(n\) is any real number, then we have

\[\large \frac{a^n}{b^n} = \left(\frac ab\right) ^ n.\]

Here are the examples to demonstrate the above.

What is \( \left( \dfrac{3}{5} \right)^2?\)

We have

\[ \left( \frac{3}{5} \right)^2 = \frac{3^2}{5^2} = \frac{9}{25}. \ _\square\]

What is \( \left( \dfrac{5^3}{7^2} \right)^4?\)

We have

\[ \left( \frac{5^3}{7^2} \right)^4 = \frac{5^{3 \times 4}}{7^{2 \times 4}} = \frac{5^{12}}{7^8}. \ _\square \]

Let's try the following simple problem:

\[9\] \[9^6\] \[6^9\] \[11^{99}\]

\[\large \dfrac{99^{{6}}}{11^{{6}}} = \, ?\]

Negative Exponents

For any nonzero real number \( a,\) a negative exponent is handled like so: \( a^{-n} = \dfrac{1}{a^n}. \) Here, the fraction \( \dfrac{1}{a^n} \) is called the reciprocal of \( a^n: \)

\[\large a ^ { -n } = \frac{ 1} { a^n }. \]

In written words, we say "\( a \) to the negative \( n\) equals the reciprocal of \(a \) to the \( n.\)"

What is \( 2^{-3}?\)

We have

\[ 2^{-3} = \frac{1}{2^3} = \frac{1}{8}. \ _\square \]

What is \(\dfrac{1}{{10}^{-1}}?\)

We have

\[\begin{align}\dfrac{1}{{10}^{-1}}& = \dfrac{1}{\hspace{2mm} \frac{1}{10}\hspace{2mm} }\\\\& = 10.\ _\square\end{align}\]

What is \( 3^{5} \div 3^{7}?\)

We have

\[ 3^{5} \div 3^{7} = 3^{5-7} = 3^{-2} = \frac{1}{3^2} = \frac{1}{9}. \ _\square \]

Simplify \( \dfrac{ 4^{-3} }{ 16^{-1}}. \)

We have

\[\left( \frac{ 4^{-3} }{ 16^{-1}} \right) = \frac{ 4^{-3} }{ \left(4^2\right)^{-1}} = \frac{ 4^{-3} }{ 4^{-2}} = 4^{-3 - (-2)}= 4^{-1}= \frac{1}{4}. \ _\square\]

\[-25\] \[\displaystyle -\frac { 1 }{ 25 }\] \[\displaystyle \frac { 1 }{ 25 }\] \[25\]

\(\displaystyle { \left( -\cfrac { 1 }{ 125 } \right) }^{ -\frac{ 2 }{ 3 } }\) can be written as \(\text{__________}.\)

\[ \large \left [ \left ( \frac 1 3 \right )^{- \frac 4 3} \right]^{\frac 9 2} \times 9^{-3} = \ ? \]

\[\cfrac { 1 }{ 3 } \] \[3\] \[81\] \[{ 81 }^{ 4 }\] None of the above

\[ \Large \left ( \color{purple}{81} \right )^{ - \left (\color{green}2^{- \color{blue}2} \right ) } = \ ? \]

Power Rule

Power rule of exponents is stated as

\[\large (a^n)^m = a^ { n \times m }. \]


For the power rule, with \( n = 2 \) and \( m = \frac{1}{2} \), the LHS is \( \big(a^2\big) ^ { \frac{1}{2} } = | a | \), while the RHS is \( a^ { 2 \times \frac{1}{2} } = a \). These are not equal. There are also special cases to consider when dealing with negative or complex values.

Now, these are the examples based on the above rule:

What is \( \big(2^3\big)^4?\)

We have

\[ \big(2^3\big)^4 = 2^3 \times 2^3 \times 2^3 \times 2^3 = 2^{3+3+3+3} = 2^{12} .\]

In other words,

\[ \big(2^3\big)^4 = 2^{3 \times 4} = 2^{12}. \ _\square \]

What is \(2^5 \times 4^3?\)

We have

\[ \begin{align} 2^5 \times 4^3 &= 2^5 \times \big(2^2\big)^3 \\&= 2^5 \times 2^6 \\&= 2^{11}. \ _\square \end{align}\]

What is \( \big(2^3\big)^2 \times \big(2^2\big)^5?\)

We have

\[ \big(2^3\big)^2 \times \big(2^2\big)^5 = 2^{3 \times 2} \times 2^{2 \times 5} = 2^6 \times 2^{10} = 2^{16} . \ _\square \]

Here is a problem to try:

\[p\] \[p^{1.2}\] \[p^{2.4}\] \[p^{24}\]

\[\large \left[ \left(p^{0.2} \right)^4\right]^3\]

Simplify the expression above for non-negative \(p\).

Tower of Exponents

In a tower of exponents, we work from the top down. So a tower of exponents is evaluated by

\[\large a ^ { n^ m } = a ^ { ( n^ m ) }, \]

an ordering that follows somewhat naturally from the order of operations on exponents.

Towers of exponents problems lend themselves to a common misconception due to an order of operations error. In general, \( a ^ {\large( b^ c ) } = \left ( a ^ b \right) ^ c \) is false. Rare cases wherein the statement is true occur when \( c = 1 \) or \( a = 1 \). One non-trivial example is when \( a = b =c = 2 \). In this case, we have

\[\begin{align}\text{LHS}&: &2 ^ { ( 2 ^ 2 ) } &= 2 ^ 4 = 16 \\\text{RHS}&: &\big( 2 ^ 2 \big) ^ 2 &= 4 ^ 2 = 16.\end{align} \]

Go through the following examples to understand this rule:

What is \( 4 ^ { 3 ^ 2 }?\)

We have

\[ 4 ^ { 3 ^ 2 } = 4 ^ 9 = 262144 . \ _\square \]

Note: It is not equal to \( \big( 4 ^ 3 \big) ^ 2 = 64 ^ 2 = 4096 \).

True False

True or False?

For positive reals \(a, b, c,\)

\[ \large \left( a^ {\color{red}b}\right) ^ {\color{blue}c} = \left( a ^ {\color{blue}c} \right)^ {\color{red}b}. \]

64 512 512 or 64 512 and 64 None of the above

\[\Large{2^{3^2}}= \, ?\]

\[\frac{111}{2}\] \[7^{7}-7\] \[7^{42}\] \[7^{70}\] \[7^{7^{7}-14}\]

Which of the following is equal to \[ \large \dfrac{7^{7^{7}}}{(7 \times 7)^{7}} ? \]

\[3^{5^3}\] \[6^{2^6}\] They are equal

Which is greater,

\[\Huge \color{blue}{3}^{\color{red}{5}^{\color{blue}{3}}} \qquad \text{or} \qquad \color{green}{6}^{\color{purple}{2}^{\color{green}{6}}} \color{black}\ ?\]

Rule of Exponents: Fractions

Rule of exponents for fractions works in two steps as

\[\large \begin{array} &a ^ {\frac 1n} = \sqrt[n]{a }, &a^ {\frac mn} = \sqrt[n]{ a^m} \end{array}.\]

Raising to a fractional exponent is similar to taking a root.The second rule follows by raising the first rule to the \(m^\text{th}\) power.

What is \( 81 ^ \frac12?\)

We have

\[ 81 ^ \frac12 = \sqrt{81} = 9 . \ _\square\]

What is \( 343 ^ \frac {2}{3}?\)

We have

\[ 343 ^ { \frac{2}{3} } = \sqrt[3] { 343 ^ 2 } = \sqrt[3] { \big( 7 ^ 3\big) ^ 2 } = \sqrt[3]{ 7 ^ 6 } = 7 ^ { \frac{ 6}{3} } = 7 ^ 2 . \ _\square \]

\[{\huge{16^{\color{RED}{ 0.25}} + 25^{\color{RED} {0.5}}}} \]

Find the value of the expression above.

\[ \Large{ 3 }^{ 4{ x } }\] \[ \Large{ 3 }^{ 8{ x }^{ 2 } }\] \[ \Large{ 9 }^{ 4{ x } }\] \[\Large { 9 }^{ 8{ x }^{ 2 } }\]

\[ \Huge \sqrt{\color{red}9^{\color{green}{16} \color{blue}{x^2}}} \]

Which of the following is equal to the above expression?

Rule of Exponents: Special Cases

It's interesting to note that 1 raised to any power is equal to 1. That is, for any real number \(a,\) it is always true that

\[ \large 1 ^ a = 1. \]

Furthermore, any non-zero number raised to the zero power is 1:

\[\large a^0 = 1. \]

Note: For \(0^0,\) see what is \(0^0\).

What is \( 1 ^ {2345}?\)

We have

\[ 1 ^ { 2345} = 1. \ _\square \]

Note: We do not need to multiply it out \(2345\) times, to know that the product is still \(1.\)

\[\Huge 1^{2^{3^{4^{5^{6^{7^{8}}}}}}} = \ ? \]

What is \( 3^0?\)

We have

\[ 3^0 = 1. \ _ \square \]

0 1 16 None of the above

\[ \LARGE 2^{2^{2^{2^0}}} = \ ? \]

Problem Solving

What is \( 3^{6} \div 3^{4} - 1?\)

Using our knowledge of the order of operations, we divide first, and then subtract:

\[ 3^{6} \div 3^{4} - 1 = \frac{3^6}{3^4} - 1 = 3^{6-4} - 1 = 3^2 - 1 = 9 -1 = 8. \ _\square \]

\[\Large {{\left(x\sqrt[4]{x}\right)}^x = x^{x\sqrt[4]{x}}}\]

Given that \(x\, (\ne 1,0,-1)\) satisfies the equation above and \(x \) can be expressed as \( \frac ab,\) where \(a\) and \(b\) are coprime positive integers, find \(a+b.\)

This is one part of the set Fun with exponents.

\[ 2^3 + 3^4 \] \[ 2^4 + 3^5 \] \[ 2^6 + 3^{12} \] \[ 4^5 \]

\[ \Large 2^{\color{red}3} + 2^{\color{red}3} + 3^{\color{blue}4} + 3^{\color{blue}4} + 3^{\color{blue}4} = {\ \color{teal}} ? \]

\[0\] \[1\] \[\frac { 3 }{ 2 } \] \[3\]

Solve for \(x:\)\[\Large { 3 }^{ 1-\color{red}{x} }=\frac { 1 }{ \sqrt { 3 } }. \]

\[{14}^{14}\] \[{14}^{{14}^{8}}\] \[{14}^{{14}^{13}}\] Cannot be solved

What is the \(14^\text{th}\) root of \({14}^{{14}^{14}}?\)

\[\begin{eqnarray}X&=&a^1\cdot b^3 \cdot c^5\cdot \cdot \cdot \cdot z^{51} \\ Y&=&z^1 \cdot y^3 \cdot x^5 \cdot \cdot \cdot \cdot a^{51} \end{eqnarray}\]

If \(a \cdot b \cdot c \cdot d \cdot \cdot \cdot \cdot z=(-24389)^{\frac{1}{156}}\), then find the value of \(XY\).

\[ \huge 27^{- \frac {x}{3} } + 81^{ \frac {1-x}{4} } \]

If the expression above can be stated in the form of \( \dfrac {a}{b^{^{\large{x}}}} \) for positive integers \(a\) and \(b\), what is the value of \(a+b?\)

\[ \begin{eqnarray}\large \color{purple} {3^x} & = & \color{blue}{2^{2015}} \\\\\large \color{blue}{2^{2015y}} & = & 81 \\\\\large \color{green}{xy} & = & \ \color{teal} ?\end{eqnarray} \]

\[\Large \big({\sqrt[3]{x}}\big)^{x^3} = {x^{3\sqrt[3]{x}}}\]

Find the real value of \(x\) which satisfies the equation above.

If the answer is of the form \(\sqrt[8]{a}\), submit the value of \(a\).

Note: Here \(x \neq 1,0,-1\).

True False Ambiguous Syntax error

\[\huge \color{green}{2^{3^{ \left( 2^{3^{2}} \right)^{0^{2^{3}}}}}}=\color{red}{2^{3^{1^{2^{3^{2^{0^{2^{3}}}}}}}}}\]

Is the equation above true or false?

\[\large {\left(\sqrt[4]{x}\right)}^{4x^4} = {\left(x^4\right)}^{4\sqrt[4]{x}}\]

Find the real value of \(x\) that satisfies the equation above.

If the answer is of the form \(a × \sqrt[15]{b},\) then submit the value of \(a + b.\)

Note: Here, \(x \neq 0,1\).

This is one part of the set Fun with exponents.

\[\large{ \begin{cases}
ab = a^b \\\\\frac{a}{b} = a ^ {3b} \\ \end{cases}} \]

\( a\) and \(b\) are real numbers such that \( a > 1 \) and \( b \neq 0 \), satisfying the above system.

Find \( b ^ { -a}. \)

See Also

To learn more about exponents, check out these related pages:

  • Rules of Exponents - Algebraic
  • Exponential Functions
  • Rational Exponents
  • Order of Operations - Exponents

Cite as: Rules of Exponents. Retrieved from

Rules of Exponents | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki (2024)


What are the 7 rules of exponents? ›

The important laws of exponents are given below:
  • am×an = a. m+n
  • am/an = a. m-n
  • (am)n = a. mn
  • an/bn = (a/b) n
  • a0 = 1.
  • a-m = 1/a. m
  • a 1 n = a n.

What are the 10 rules of exponents? ›

Exponent Rules Chart
Zero RuleX0 = 1
Product RuleXp. Xq = Xp+q
Division RuleXp/Xq = Xp-q
Power raised to power(Xp)q = Xpq
Power raised to product of bases(XY)p =Xp.Yp
3 more rows

How to solve exponent rules? ›

The Product Rule for Exponents: am * an = am + n. To find the product of two numbers with the same base, add the exponents. The Quotient Rule for Exponents: am / an = amn. To find the quotient of two numbers with the same base, subtract the exponent of the denominator from the exponent of the numerator.

How to master exponents? ›

The exponent rules are:
  1. Product of powers rule — Add powers together when multiplying like bases.
  2. Quotient of powers rule — Subtract powers when dividing like bases.
  3. Power of powers rule — Multiply powers together when raising a power by another exponent.
Jun 14, 2021

What is e in math? ›

Euler's Number 'e' is a numerical constant used in mathematical calculations. The value of e is 2.718281828459045…so on. Just like pi(π), e is also an irrational number. It is described basically under logarithm concepts.

What is the power of 0 rule? ›

The zero exponent rule basically says that any base with an exponent of zero is equal to one. For example: x^0 = 1. 5^0 = 1.

What are the 11 laws of exponents? ›

Laws of Exponent at a Glance
Law of Reciprocalan=1/an
Product Law of Exponentsxm.xn=xm+n
Power of Product Rule(a×b)n=an×bn
Quotient Law of Exponentsxm÷xn=xm-n
Power Law of Exponents(xm)n=xmn
2 more rows

How to fix a negative exponent? ›

Flip the exponents into their reciprocals, then multiply. Dividing negative exponents is almost the same as multiplying them, except you're doing the opposite: subtracting where you would have added and dividing where you would have multiplied. If the bases are the same, subtract the exponents.

Why is something to the power of 0 always 1? ›

Since we know a number divided by itself always results in 1, therefore, ab ÷ ab = 1. Therefore, any number 'a' raised to the power zero is always equal to one as it's numerical value is 1.

What is 7 as an exponent? ›

In arithmetic and algebra the seventh power of a number n is the result of multiplying seven instances of n together. So: n7 = n × n × n × n × n × n × n.

What are the 7 rules of logarithms? ›

What are the 7 Log Rules?
Rule NameLog Rule
Product Rulelogb mn = logb m + logb n
Quotient Rulelogb m/n = logb m - logb n
Power Rule of Logarithmlogb mn = n logb m
Change of Base Rulelogb a = (log a) / ( log b)
3 more rows

What are the first 7 powers of 2? ›

1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, ...

What is 7 to the power or 5? ›

Answer: 7 to the power of 5 is 16807.

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