Health Insurance FAQs (2024)

Health insurance is a type of insurance coverage that helps pay for the often-expensive costs of medical care—hospital visits, surgeries, emergency room stays, regular checkups, prescription drugs, all kinds of things. Sometimes called medical insurance, health insurance’s main job is to transfer risk from you to the insurance carrier (nice!). This way you don’t end up drowning in medical bills you can’t afford.

Everyone. If you’re alive on planet Earth, you need some form of health coverage. It’s the best way to protect yourself from the financial problems that can easily happen due to unexpected medical events. No one’s totally immune to serious medical situations. That’s whyhealth coverage is a must.

Health insurance costs $7,470 a year for individual coverage and $21,342 for family coverage on average.1Factors like your location, health conditions, age and gender all affect yourhealth insurance costs—and so does the type of health insurance plan you buy and the family members you cover. The good news is, you can findways to save money on health insurance.

Take your time and compare multiple plans. Your health insurance affects your family, finances and quality of life. That’s a big deal! You need a plan that covers the care you’re most likely to need and fits your budget.

That’s why we recommend working with HealthTrust, a network of independent insurance agents who know the industry, and since they’re local, they know the laws in your state too. They’ll compare quotes and help you understand your options—all at no extra cost to you. Want a RamseyTrusted, vetted agent who’s guaranteed to put you first? Check out HealthTrust!

The biggest reason is that independent agents are health insurance experts. Even if you’re generally well-informed about health insurance, they’re likely to know more than you—after all, it’s their job.

Independent insurance agents know all sorts of helpful things—like the fact that your state may have just changed its insurance laws. Or that Company A has better customer service than Company B. They’ll also know about discounts and coverage options you may not have heard of. And since they’re independent, they can get you quotes from all the top insurance companies in your area.

The key is finding an agent you trust. We wanted health insurance agents we could trust too—that’s why we recommend Health Trust, a network of licensed independent health insurance agents. We’ve done the legwork of checking them out, and we’re confident they’ll put your family’s needs first—period. Learn more about Health Trust.

You'll pick and sign up for a health plan duringopen enrollment. You'll also sign up any family members who will be on your plan. Then, you'll pay a monthlypremiumto keep your policy active.

When you get health care services, you or your doctor's office willfile a claimwith the insurance company. The claim lets your insurer know how much you owe for the services, and they'll negotiate with your doctor's office to lower the costs. Depending on your plan, you’ll pay most or all costs until you hit your deductible. After that, your coinsurance kicks in—aka when the insurance company starts helping with the bill.

If you join a spouse or parent's health plan, ask them for a copy of the policy so you know exactly what’s covered.

Trying to figure out how to get health insurance can be super stressful. So many options, so little time. And while you know you need it—you might not know where to start.

That’s why we put together this helpful guide to show you how to get health insurance. You can get health insurance through the following:

• Employer-sponsored group plans
• Government-run marketplace
• Buying directly from health insurance companies
• Online health insurance exchange
• Health cost sharing ministries
• Work with an independent agent, like our RamseyTrusted partner Health Trust

Open enrollmentis the time when you can sign up for new health insurance or change your existing plan. For most plans, it happens in the fall. But some plans—like Medicaid—offer open enrollment year-round. You can also enroll in new or different health insurance any time you have aqualifying life eventlike getting married or changing jobs.

Apremiumis the amount you pay each month to keep your health insurance policy active.

A copay is like a service charge you pay every time you use a health care service. It’s a fixed amount decided by your particular health insurance plan. Copays are different than deductibles and coinsurance because you pay a copay whether you’ve met your deductible or not.

Yourdeductibleis the amount you pay for health care services before your insurance company starts helping you cover some of the costs. Once you hit your deductible, you and your insurance company will start splitting the cost of your covered health care. (That’s called coinsurance.)

Coinsurance is the percentage of health care services you’re responsible for payingafter you’ve hit your deductiblefor the year. With coinsurance, you’re splitting the costof medical services with your health insurance until you reach your out-of-pocket maximum.

An out-of-pocket maximum is the most you’ll have to spend on health care costs in a year. If your health expenses go over this amount, then your insurance company will pay 100% of your costs for the rest of the year. (Yay!)

Private health insurance is any health insurance plan that doesn’t come from the government. You can buy private health insurance through your employer, directly from an insurance company, or through an independent insurance agent.

We recommend working with Health Trust to explore this option. Their network of independent insurance agents can show you the most options from different insurance companies—and they’ll help you pick the one that’s right for you.

Some of the most popular private health plans are:

  • Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) – HMOshelp healthy people stay healthy. And they only pay for doctors listed in your plan.
  • Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) – PPOssave you money when you go to doctors in your network. If you go outside the network, your insurance still payssomeof the costs—just not as many. PPOs charge high premiums, but they can be good for people who need a lot of doctors’ visits.
  • High-Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs) – With these plans, you have to pay more out of pocket before your insurance kicks in. But you’ll paywaylower premiums. SomeHDHPsalso qualify you to open a Health Savings Account (HSA) where you can save money for health care costs.
  • Short-Term Health Insurance – This coverage lasts up to 12 months. It’s meant to cover the gap from the time you stop using one health plan until your next plan starts. The downside? Some states don't allow short-term health insurance.
  • Faith-Based Health Care – Religious nonprofits use these plans to share health care costs among plan members. Everyone pays a monthly fee, and when someone needs health care, everyone helps pay the bill.
  • Special Needs Coverage – These planshelp cover the extra medical costs that come with certain chronic illnesses or disabilities. (Some government programs, like Medicare and Medicaid, also offer special needs coverage).

As you probably guessed from the name, a high-deductible health plan has a higherdeductiblethan other health insurance plans. But there’s a significant payoff in the form of lower monthly premiums. HDHPs are a relatively new approach to health coverage, but they’re becoming more popular every year, both as an employee benefit and for the self-employed.

No. HSA stands forHealth Savings Account, and it’s where you can save money to pay for health expenses. You can't open an HSA unless you a high-deductible health plan (HDHP).

The short answer is, HSAs are better.

See Also
Dave Ramsey

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)both let you save money for health care expenses. But even though the F stands forflexible, FSAs are actually way harder to use.

You can only get an FSA from your employer’s health insurance plan . . . so you can’t get one on your own if you’re self-employed or if your workplace doesn’t offer this option. You also can’t invest with your FSA. And if you don’t spend the money you saved before the end of the year, you lose it all.

With an HSA, your savings roll over to the next year, and you can invest them to make them grow. The best part is, you can get an HSA through your employer or on your own, as long as you buy a qualified high-deductible health plan (HDHP) first.

It depends. Private health insuranceshouldcover the 10 essential health benefits listed in the Affordable Care Act, like emergency services, prescription drugs and newborn care.2Some states make insurance companies cover additional services. And some companies add their own coverage benefits and limits.

It's important to understand what your plan covers. Our RamseyTrusted partner Health Trust will walk you through your health insurance options so you can feel confident you’re getting the right coverage. And the best part?

Typically, private insurance is better because it gives you the most freedom to choose the best coverage for you. If you qualify for Medicare due to your age, health or income, that may be your most affordable option—just remember that it also comes with lots of limits.

A good independent insurance agent can help you find a plan that gives you the best value on the coverage you need.

There are actually quite a few government health insurance plans. Some of the most common federal plans are Medicare andCOBRA insurance. There are also state-run programs like Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

These programs are designed to help people who truly need them and who may not be able to afford private insurance. That said, government programs come with tons of limits and rules . . . so you may not be able to choose the quality of care you get. That’s why we recommend private insurance whenever possible.

No. Obamacare isn't a health care program—it’s a nickname for a law called the Affordable Care Act (ACA). People started calling the law "Obamacare" because it was made during President Obama's administration.

The ACA set guidelines for how private health insurance companies have to cover people. Then, the federal government created the health insurance marketplace, or just marketplace for short. The marketplace is a website that you can use to shop for health insurance plans that meet ACA guidelines. The funny thing is—even though the government runs the website—all the plans being sold on the marketplace are actuallyprivatehealth insurance plans.

Some state governments have made their own marketplaces too—so you can shop for private insurance plans that follow ACA and state guidelines.

The Ramsey team and Dave Ramsey himself recommend high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) whenever possible. That way, you can enjoy lower monthly premiums, and you'll qualify to open a Health Savings Account (HSA). You can use those savings to cover health expenses and even invest.

That said, if you or your family have special health care needs, you may need to go with another type of plan likea PPOoran HMO. It's smart to work with our RamseyTrusted partner Health Trust so they can help you pick a plan that meets your unique needs.

There are both private and governmenthealth care options for self-employed people. If you need help finding the best option for you, reach out to our RamseyTrusted partner Health Trust. They'll help you actually understand your health insurance options so you can pick the right coverage for you and your family.

Losing a job ishard—especially if you lost your health insurance too. The good news is, you canget health insurance if you’re unemployed. You may qualify for government programs like COBRA or Medicaid, or you may be able to enroll in marketplace or short-term health insurance.

Yes and no. The federal government no longer fines people for not having health insurance. But some states still require it, so you may owe a fee if you’re uninsured.

But the real penalty for being uninsured doesn't come from the government. Sometimes the “penalty” is getting stuck with a stack of medical bills after an unexpected accident or illness. And without insurance to help, it’ll be up to you to cover the costs. That’s why finding health care coverage that works for you is so important.

There are both private and governmenthealth care options for self-employed people. If you need help finding the best option for you, reach out to our RamseyTrusted partner Health Trust. They'll help you actually understand your health insurance options so you can pick the right coverage for you and your family.

Losing a job ishard—especially if you lost your health insurance too. The good news is, you canget health insurance if you’re unemployed. You may qualify for government programs like COBRA or Medicaid, or you may be able to enroll in marketplace or short-term health insurance.

Yes and no. The federal government no longer fines people for not having health insurance. But some states still require it, so you may owe a fee if you’re uninsured.

But the real penalty for being uninsured doesn't come from the government. Sometimes the “penalty” is getting stuck with a stack of medical bills after an unexpected accident or illness. And without insurance to help, it’ll be up to you to cover the costs. That’s why finding health care coverage that works for you is so important.

Health Trust Financial is a network of licensed insurance agents who live and work all over the country. Health Trust is RamseyTrusted because they believe the same thing we do: that getting the right health insurance is an important part of protecting your future. That’s why we trust them to serve our customers!

Learn how Ramsey Solutions helps peopletake control of their finances. Or take a minute to meet our founder,Dave Ramsey.

Independent! They don’t work for a specific insurer or for Ramsey Solutions. They’re independent insurance agents under Health Trust. That means they can compare health insurance quotes from multiple local and national insurers to find you the best coverage.

They’re reliable, so they’ll be there when you need them—from shopping for quotes to helping you file claims. And they have the heart of a teacher, so they’ll actually help you understand your health insurance.

Nope! You just pay your insurance premium like normal—no catch, no extra costs.

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Health Insurance FAQs (2024)


What are some questions about health insurance? ›

Five questions to ask when choosing your health coverage
  • Who will your health plan cover? ...
  • Are there specific providers you want to see or facilities you want to use? ...
  • Will your plan cover the medical care you need? ...
  • How much can you afford to pay? ...
  • Do you want flexibility in choosing certain specialists or services?

What is the 90 day rule for health insurance? ›

What is the 90-day waiting period exactly? First things first, the 90-day waiting period is the maximum amount of time an eligible employee has to wait before enrolling in a company-sponsored health insurance plan. Once the time period ends, by law, employees must be given the opportunity to get health coverage.

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Health Insurance FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What should you always do when purchasing health insurance? ›

Four things you should think about when choosing coverage - costs, provider network, benefits, and quality.

What are 5 questions you should find out before you select an insurance? ›

Here's a list of ten questions you should ask before picking a health care plan.
  • 1: What Type of Plan Is It?
  • 2: How Much Will I Have to Pay for Medical Care?
  • 3: Will I Be Able to Use My Current Doctors?
  • 4: What Benefits Are Included?
  • 5: Are Routine Examinations Covered?

What are 2 important reasons to have healthcare insurance? ›

Health Insurance Basics. Health insurance can help protect you from the high costs of illness or injury. It also helps you get regular health care, such as exams, preventive care and vaccines.

What is frequently asked in a FAQ? ›

It is a collection of common questions and answers not specific to a product, feature, or service. They usually cover payment policies, how to contact customer support, and refund policies.

What is General FAQ? ›

An FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page is a key part of a knowledge base because it addresses the most common questions customers have and is useful to customers at all stages of the customer journey. FAQs start with a question and then answer it concisely.

Is it necessary to have a FAQ? ›

FAQ pages aren't only beneficial for customers; they're a game-changer for your business. Take a look at the benefits they bring to the table: They serve as an indispensable resource for addressing common queries, significantly reducing the influx of repetitive customer inquiries.

What are 2 things typically covered by basic health insurance? ›

For example, health insurance may help to pay for doctors' services, medications, hospital care, and special equipment when someone is sick or injured, often in exchange for a monthly premium. It may help cover a stay at a rehabilitation hospital or even a portion of home health care.

How much money should you spend on health insurance? ›

The average national monthly health insurance cost for one person on an Affordable Care Act (ACA) plan without premium tax credits in 2024 is $477.

What is the deductible in health insurance? ›

The amount you pay for covered health care services before your insurance plan starts to pay. With a $2,000 deductible, for example, you pay the first $2,000 of covered services yourself. After you pay your deductible, you usually pay only a. copayment.

What questions are asked on a health insurance application? ›

The application will likely ask for common information such as your name, address, Social Security number, marital status, dependents and whether any of the applicants have other health insurance coverage in place or are covered under Medicaid/Medicare programs.

What are the 5 factors of health insurance? ›

Five factors can affect a plan's monthly premium: location, age, tobacco use, plan category, and whether the plan covers dependents.

What questions are asked on the health insurance survey for employees? ›

21 questions to consider asking in your employee benefits satisfaction survey
  • Which 3 benefits do you need the most? ...
  • Which 3 benefits are the least important to you? ...
  • Do you clearly understand the benefits you receive from us? ...
  • How satisfied are you with your health insurance plan?
Mar 28, 2024

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