AARP Life Insurance Rate Charts By Age (2024 Prices) (2024)

AARP life insurance rates vary based mainly on which product you choose (whole, term, or guaranteed acceptance), your age, gender, and the coverage amount. Monthly prices start as low as $11 or as high as $600, depending on those factors.

AARP Life Insurance Rate Charts By Age (2024 Prices) (1)

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Choice Mutual’s ratings are determined by our editorial team. The scoring formula considers consumer experience, policy cost, underwriting criteria, the insurer’s financial strength ratings, and complaint data.

In this article, you’ll see AARP life insurance rates by age for the various products they offer, including term life, whole life, and guaranteed acceptance whole life.

We’ll also discuss whether or not AARP life insurance is the best option and what other companies are worth considering.

AARP Term Life Insurance Rates

AARP term life insurance rates are based on which five-year age bracket you fall into. For example, the first bracket is 50-54, meaning anyone who is 50, 51, 52, 53, or 54 will all pay the same price.

Also, since AARP’s term insurance rates rise over time, your price will increase as you enter a new bracket. For example, if you’re 54, you’ll fall into the 50-54 bracket. On your 55th birthday, you’ll enter the 55-59 bracket, which means your premium will increase to a higher amount.

Below is an AARP term life insurance rate chart by age and a calculator that outlines the exact cost for various coverage amounts.

Female monthly rates

Age Bracket$10,000$25,000$50,000$100,000
50-54Nonsmoker: $11
Smoker: $17
Nonsmoker: $18
Smoker: $32
Nonsmoker: $29
Smoker: $58
Nonsmoker: $52
Smoker: $110
55-59Nonsmoker: $13
Smoker: $20
Nonsmoker: $22
Smoker: $41
Nonsmoker: $38
Smoker: $76
Nonsmoker: $69
Smoker: $144
60-64Nonsmoker: $17
Smoker: $28
Nonsmoker: $32
Smoker: $61
Nonsmoker: $58
Smoker: $116
Nonsmoker: $108
Smoker: $222
65-69Nonsmoker: $21
Smoker: $38
Nonsmoker: $44
Smoker: $84
Nonsmoker: $81
Smoker: $162
Nonsmoker: $154
Smoker: $314
70-74Nonsmoker: $33
Smoker: $62
Nonsmoker: $74
Smoker: $144
Nonsmoker: $141
Smoker: $282
Nonsmoker: $272
Smoker: $550

Male monthly rates

Age Bracket$10,000$25,000$50,000$100,000
50-54Nonsmoker: $14
Smoker: $23
Nonsmoker: $26
Smoker: $48
Nonsmoker: $45
Smoker: $90
Nonsmoker: $79
Smoker: $164
55-59Nonsmoker: $18
Smoker: $31
Nonsmoker: $36
Smoker: $68
Nonsmoker: $65
Smoker: $130
Nonsmoker: $116
Smoker: $238
60-64Nonsmoker: $24
Smoker: $43
Nonsmoker: $50
Smoker: $97
Nonsmoker: $94
Smoker: $188
Nonsmoker: $171
Smoker: $348
65-69Nonsmoker: $31
Smoker: $56
Nonsmoker: $67
Smoker: $131
Nonsmoker: $128
Smoker: $256
Nonsmoker: $236
Smoker: $478
70-74Nonsmoker: $42
Smoker: $79
Nonsmoker: $95
Smoker: $187
Nonsmoker: $184
Smoker: $368
Nonsmoker: $342
Smoker: $369

AARP Whole Life Insurance Rates

Whole life insurance has a fixed cost. Whatever rate you pay initially is what you’ll always pay. In addition, the coverage is permanent.

Also, if you qualify for AARP’s whole life insurance, there is no waiting period. Keep in mind that you will have to answer questions about your health to qualify (no medical exam is required).

Below is a whole life rate chart and calculator showing sample monthly premiums.

AgeFemale $10,000Male $10,000Female $25,000Male $25,000
50Nonsmoker: $26
Smoker: $42
Nonsmoker: $34
Smoker: $55
Nonsmoker: $58
Smoker: $99
Nonsmoker: $148
Smoker: $131
55Nonsmoker: $31
Smoker: $49
Nonsmoker: $44
Smoker: $69
Nonsmoker: $72
Smoker: $116
Nonsmoker: $104
Smoker: $164
60Nonsmoker: $38
Smoker: $58
Nonsmoker: $52
Smoker: $83
Nonsmoker: $87
Smoker: $138
Nonsmoker: $124
Smoker: $201
65Nonsmoker: $49
Smoker: $75
Nonsmoker: $66
Smoker: $103
Nonsmoker: $114
Smoker: $181
Nonsmoker: $158
Smoker: $251
70Nonsmoker: $65
Smoker: $103
Nonsmoker: $85
Smoker: $137
Nonsmoker: $156
Smoker: $252
Nonsmoker: $206
Smoker: $335
75Nonsmoker: $83
Smoker: $138
Nonsmoker: $106
Smoker: $170
Nonsmoker: $203
Smoker: $343
Nonsmoker: $259
Smoker: $423
80Nonsmoker: $97
Smoker: $179
Nonsmoker: $129
Smoker: $209
Nonsmoker: $237
Smoker: $444
Nonsmoker: $317
Smoker: $521

AARP Guaranteed Acceptance Rates

AARP guaranteed issue life insurance does not require you to answer health questions or undergo a medical exam. Because acceptance is guaranteed, there is a two-year waiting period. If you die during the waiting period, AARP will only refund 110% of the money you paid.

Remember, all companies’ guaranteed issue life insurance plans have a waiting period. Because this guaranteed acceptance policy is a type of whole life insurance, the price will never change, and the coverage lasts a lifetime.

Below is a table and calculator with sample monthly premiums.

AgeFemale $10,000Male $10,000Female $25,000Male $25,000

Is AARP Life Insurance The Best Option For Seniors?

Just because AARP is a senior advocacy organization, that does not inherently mean the products they promote are the best life insurance for seniors.

The truth is, AARP final expense insurance products are often much more expensive than companies like Mutual of Omaha, Aetna, and Aflac, to name a few.

Here are three examples to illustrate how AARP life insurance rates are bested by other reputable companies.

CompanyMale, Age 65
Non Tobacco
$10,000 Final Expense Policy
Female, Age 70
Non Tobacco
$25,000 Final Expense Policy
Male, Age 50
Tobacco User
$5,000 Final Expense Policy
Mutual of Omaha$56.48$128.29$55.28

In addition to their price inferiority, AARP products that require you to answer health questions are tough to qualify for.

That means seniors with pre-existing conditions often will be flat-out denied by AARP.

How To Get The Lowest Price On Any Type Of Life Insurance

As mentioned, AARP life insurance products are overpriced relative to other providers.

But the good news is that plenty of other final expense insurance companies offer lower burial insurance prices and won’t deny seniors with prior health issues such as diabetes and many other conditions.

If you need final expense insurance, you will secure the lowest rate by working with an independent broker, such as Choice Mutual. Independent agencies like us compare offers from multiple providers to find the best deal.

One of the primary drawbacks to working with AARP is that they cannot offer you any other companies that might give you a better deal.

But when you work with a broker, they can match you with whichever company suits you best. Best of all, working with a broker is free (no fees or surcharges), and the insurance doesn’t cost more because you worked with an agent.

Call Choice Mutual at 1-800-644-2926, and we’ll help you find the best policy at the lowest rate possible. We specialize in funeral insurance for seniors, and we partner with over 20 different insurance companies. We will answer all your questions and pinpoint which provider is best for you.

Below is a sample of the thousands of 5-star reviews we have online.


Frequently Asked Questions

AARP life insurance can cost as little as $11 monthly or as high as $900. The final price depends on the type of policy (whole, term, or guaranteed acceptance), product, age, gender, state of residence, and health.

In most cases, AARP life insurance is not a good buy for seniors because they can get cheaper rates from other providers. In addition, the AARP subjects many seniors with health conditions to a two-year waiting period where other companies would approve them for an immediate coverage plan.

Buying a whole life policy is best when looking for life insurance to cover your final expenses. While cheaper per month, term life will generally expire around age 80. Most people live longer than 80 years old, which means they would not have insurance to cover their burial since the term policy would have expired. Whole life burial insurance guarantees coverage for life, so you can rest assured that it will always be there to pay for your end-of-life expenses regardless of when you die. It’s also worth noting that term life insurance has strict underwriting, making it hard to qualify. Most seniors with prior and current health issues are not eligible for term life insurance but can qualify for a final expense whole life policy.

Seniors looking for insurance to cover their final expenses should look for a whole life policy since it lasts forever. Buying term life insurance to cover your burial is risky since most people (over 90%) outlive term insurance policies. Seniors needing insurance to pay off a debt, such as a mortgage or a car note, should seek a term policy if possible. Term insurance is best to cover a temporary need like a financial debt. Remember that age and health also heavily influence which products seniors can qualify for. For example, an 81-year-old senior is not eligible for term insurance. It’s best to speak with an experienced insurance agent who can consider your situation and recommend your best options.

Only the AARP guaranteed acceptance policy has a two-year waiting period. There are no health questions or exams, so there is a waiting period. If you’re eligible for the AARP term life or permanent whole life products (both have health questions), there is no waiting period.

Article Sources

Choice Mutual often cites third-party websites to provide context and verification for specific claims made in our work. We only link to authoritative websites that are known to provide accurate information. You can learn more about our editorial standards, which guides our mission of delivering factual and impartial content.

  1. AARP term life insurance.
  2. AARP's whole life insurance.
  3. AARP guaranteed issue.
  4. AARP.
  5. Trustpilot.
AARP Life Insurance Rate Charts By Age (2024 Prices) (2024)


AARP Life Insurance Rate Charts By Age (2024 Prices)? ›

Online application may not be available in all states. Available to AARP members ages 50-80 and their spouses/partners ages 45-80. For other amounts or higher coverage options call New York Life at 1-800-607-6957. The rate of $13/month is for a female, age 50, non-smoker for $5,000 of coverage.

How much does AARP charge for life insurance? ›

AARP level benefit term life insurance
Age groupMonthly cost (nonsmoker)Monthly cost (smoker)
Feb 20, 2024

Does AARP offer life insurance for seniors over 60? ›

Online application may not be available in all states. Available to AARP members ages 50-80 and their spouses/partners ages 45-80. For other amounts or higher coverage options call New York Life at 1-800-607-6957. The rate of $13/month is for a female, age 50, non-smoker for $5,000 of coverage.

At what age do life insurance policy premiums get really expensive? ›

The increase in monthly premiums as you age is much smaller if you are young, compared to when you are older. For example, the average life insurance quote only increases by 6% between ages 25 and 30, but it jumps much higher between ages 60 and 65 — an average increase of 86%, or $275 per month.

How much is life insurance premium per age? ›

Typically, the premium amount increases, on average, about 8% to 10% for every year of age; it can be as low as 5% annually if your 40s, and as high as 12% annually if you're over age 50. With term life insurance, your premium is established when you buy a policy and remains the same every year.

How much does whole life insurance cost for a 75 year old? ›

Average Annual Whole Life Insurance Rates for Women over 70 or 75*
AgePolicy AmountAverage
2 more rows

Is insurance cheaper with AARP? ›

Up to 20% Savings for Members

You can customize your coverage with benefits and services designed especially for AARP members, including “New for Old” Protection and Disappearing Property Deductible. Plus, you could save up to 20% when you bundle your home and auto policies.

How long does it take AARP to pay out a life insurance policy? ›

When the owner of a life insurance policy passes away, their beneficiary can receive a lump sum cash payment. But before the beneficiary can collect the money, they must first file a claim. On average, the claims process may take 1-2 months from start to finish.

What is the best life insurance for seniors over 70? ›

Guardian Life Insurance is our top pick for older seniors because it is one of a handful of insurers we've reviewed that issues policies up to age 90. It offers no-exam policies up to $3 million in coverage, though seniors might face significant rates for higher coverage amounts.

At what age does AARP life insurance end? ›

You can keep this insurance until age 80, provided premiums are paid when due and your Enrollment Form contains no material misrepresentations about your medical history.

At what age should you stop buying life insurance? ›

Life insurance is no longer needed for many people once they reach their 60s or 70s. At this point they retire, their kids have grown up, and they've paid off their mortgage and other debts. However, others prefer to keep life insurance later in life to leave an inheritance and to pay off final expenses.

How much is a $500,000 life insurance policy for a 60 year old man? ›

Average annual costs for 20-year, $500,000 term life insurance policy
3 more rows
Dec 1, 2023

Is it cheaper to pay life insurance annually? ›

Cost Savings Through Annual Premiums

Though many beneficiaries find monthly premium payments easier to manage, you'll save money in the long run — usually around 3-5% — if you pay your life insurance premium annually.

How much is life insurance with AARP? ›

How much is AARP life insurance per month? AARP life insurance can cost as little as $11 monthly or as high as $900. The final price depends on the type of policy (whole, term, or guaranteed acceptance), product, age, gender, state of residence, and health.

What is the oldest age to buy life insurance? ›

At What Age Can You No Longer Buy Life Insurance? 90 years old is the highest issue age we've seen from any life insurance company. But many companies won't issue policies to people older than 85.

How much is $100,000 in life insurance a month? ›

Monthly rates for a $100,000 whole life insurance policy start around $90 but quickly climb to $150 or higher if you apply later in life. You'll get the cheapest whole life insurance rates if you buy coverage before turning 40.

Is AARP a good life insurance company? ›

Through its New York Life partnership, AARP is one of the most stable insurers in America. Its whole life coverage with no medical exam is another plus, but they have limited death benefits during the first two years.

Does AARP life insurance have a 2 year waiting period? ›

AARP term life insurance

To qualify, you only have to answer some health questions. No medical exam is required, and there is no waiting period if you're approved. It's available to seniors 50-74 and their spouses 45-74.

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