9 Reasons Why You Were Declined For Life Insurance (2024)

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Have you been declined for life insurance?

Life insurance can help protect your family and loved ones from any financial burden should something happen to you. Unfortunately, not everyone who applies for life insurance will be approved.

In this post, you’ll find out:

  • Reasons why you may be denied life insurance coverage
  • What you can do after a decline
  • Which insurance companies can still provide you coverage after a declined application

So if you need to know your options after a decline, you’re in the right place.

Key Takeaways

  • In most cases, you're declined because of a medical or lifestyle issue.
  • However, life insurers can also deny your application for financial reasons or because of your occupation.
  • A decline isn't the end of the world. You can still get life insurance coverage even if one insurer rejected you.

9 Reasons Why You Were Declined For Life Insurance (1)

Why Your Life Insurance Application Was Declined

Underwriting is when the insurance company assesses your risk for life insurance. During underwriting, if a life insurer determines that your mortality risk is too high—even if it were to charge you higher premiums—it will turn down your application. These are the nine most common reasons why you’re not approved for a life insurance policy.

1. Medical issues

The list below is not exhaustive. These are some of the more common illnesses that can lead to a decline. If you have one of these pre-existing conditions, the underwriter will want to know complete details before making a decision.

Cancer: Because there are many types of cancer, there are also many possible outcomes. Declines are higher for more advanced stages of cancer.

Heart disease: While mild or moderate heart attacks may lead to higher rates, severe ones will result in an outright decline.

Diabetes: You’re not as likely to be denied life insurance because of diabetes as you are for critical illness or disability insurance. Granted, if you have other complications because of diabetes, then your chance of rejection goes up.

Cholesterol: The good news is that you can still get life insurance if you have high cholesterol. That is unless your total cholesterol / HDL ratio is exceptionally high. Having vascular diseases or other health issues (e.g., smoking, high blood pressure, family history) don’t help your case either.

Kidney disease: Because polycystic kidney disease is inheritable, the insurance company will also want to know your family history. Also, the younger you were when you were diagnosed, the more likely the insurer will decline your application.

Multiple sclerosis: Similar to a heart attack, mild or moderate cases of multiple sclerosis will likely lead to higher rates. Severe cases (EDSS over 5.0) will be declined.

Depression: Depression or anxiety by themselves shouldn’t lead to a rejected life insurance application. However, pair it with attempted suicide, hospitalization, or a history of drug or alcohol abuse, and your chance of denial skyrockets.

2. Hazardous occupation

Not everyone works a low-risk desk job. Some jobs involve more risk than others. Here are some occupations that can lead to a decline:

  • Miners
  • Deep-sea fishermen
  • Electrical power-line installers
  • Truck drivers
  • Firefighters
  • Explosives workers
  • Airline pilots

3. Financial reasons

The amount of death benefit that you want to buy has to make sense. If you’re worth more dead than alive, the life insurance company will likely decline your application. That’s why it will consider your income and net worth as it relates to how much coverage you want.

4. Lifestyle choices

Alcohol abuse: While a few drinks per day shouldn’t lead to rejection, a high number (>5) would cause concern for the insurance company. Couple that with drug use or a poor driving record, and you will have a hard time getting a traditional life insurance policy.

Drug abuse: If it’s been a long time since you’ve used an illicit drug, you may still be able to get life insurance. Your odds of rejection increase if you’ve used it within the past few years and you have a history of relapse.

Dangerous sports and hobbies: While some life insurance providers may offer you a policy with an exclusion for the dangerous activity, some will decline you outright depending on how risky it views the activity. Many life insurance companies find the following sports high-risk:

  • Skydiving
  • Rock climbing
  • Motorized vehicle racing
  • Scuba diving
  • Backcountry skiing

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5. Lab results

As part of the underwriting process, you may have to undergo a medical exam to show your good health. Although medical exams are becoming rarer because of advanced underwriting techniques, the insurance company can still request one if you have a medical condition.

The blood pressure reading, blood sample, and urine sample from the test results will show how well you are managing a chronic illness.

As for the cost, the life insurance company pays for the medical exams, so you don’t have to worry about any extra fees.

6. Driving record

On the life insurance application, it will ask if you’ve had any moving violations, license suspensions, or DUIs in the recent past. The more of these you’ve had, the higher the likelihood of a life insurance rejection.

7. Criminal record

When applying for life insurance, the best-case scenario will be minor infractions that do not involve violence, major theft, or jail time. If you:

  • Have a pending criminal charge,
  • Are on parole or probation, or
  • Have committed violent crimes or repeat offenses,

The life insurance company will likely decline your application.

8. Foreign travel

If you declare that you have traveled or will travel to a high-risk country within the next 12 months, you have to fill out a foreign travel questionnaire. It asks about the countries you will visit, the duration, frequency, and purpose of travel.

Planning to travel to a country listed on the government of Canada’s travel advisory website to avoid all travel? Prepare for denied coverage.

9. Obesity

If the underwriter determines that your body mass index is too high, it will decline your life insurance application. Your chance of rejection increases if you have other chronic illnesses associated with obesity, such as diabetes or heart disease.

What Can You Do If You're Denied Life Insurance?

Stay calm. Declined applications are not the end of the world. In fact, many Canadians are declined life insurance. Here are some ways you can manage the decision.

Find out why you were declined

First of all, it’s well within your right to find out the reason for the rejection. Is it due to your health or lifestyle? Or was there a mistake in the lab results or your personal information?

The insurer will send your test results to your family doctor so you can discuss ways to improve your health with medical professionals.

Appeal the decision

If there was a mistake in the medical exam, ask the insurance company to reassess your application. Or, if you don’t think your situation is as bad as they make it out to be, try to present your case to the underwriter.

Explain how you’re a lower risk than they think and provide some evidence. Who knows—you could get the decision overturned. The good news? Your insurance broker is on your side, so he/she can help you through this process.

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Improve your health or lifestyle

If you don’t need life insurance coverage immediately, you can spend the next few months to a year improving your health before you apply again. Now that you know the reason for the decline, you can work specifically on improving that aspect of your life.

The next time you apply again, the life insurance company will be pleased to know that you’ve taken steps to reduce your chance of premature death. It will take that into consideration when deciding whether to approve your life insurance application.

You can increase your odds of approval by getting your insurance broker to write a cover letter explaining how you’re no longer a large risk to the insurer.

Apply for more coverage through your workplace or association

Personal life insurance policies aren’t your only option when you need coverage. You can also see if your employer or association have optional life insurance you can buy. You might not be able to get a significant death benefit, but some coverage is better than no coverage.

Apply for a different life insurance policy

Besides traditional life insurance where underwriting guidelines are strict, you can also apply for life insurance products with looser standards. Called simplified issue life insurance, these are for higher-risk people who have trouble getting insurance the old-fashioned way.

The insurance provider asks fewer health questions with these policies, and you don’t have to undergo a medical exam. On the downside, the premiums are higher to account for the high risk.

Nevertheless, it’s great if you don’t have any other life insurance options and are willing to pay more for coverage.

Which life insurance companies can still offer you coverage?

These days, many insurers offer simplified issue life insurance. For example, Industrial Alliance, Canada Protection Plan, Specialty Life Insurance, are just a few of the names that offer some simplified issue products.

Some insurers have more flexible underwriting than others, so you need to work with an experienced and knowledgeable life insurance advisor to find the insurance provider who is most likely to accept your application. Out of all the insurers out there, at least one company will offer you some type of insurance.

Have You Been Declined For Life Insurance? Contact Us Today For More Options

You deserve the peace of mind of knowing that the insurance payout would take care of your family financially if anything were ever to happen to you. Don’t let one company’s decision stop you from getting the protection that only life insurance offers.

We’ll help guide you through the steps to take next so that we can find an option that will work for you. Whether it’s a term life policy or whole life insurance, we’ll make sure there’s an option out there for everyone—even those who’ve been declined before!

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9 Reasons Why You Were Declined For Life Insurance (2)

Brian So, CFP, CLU, CHS, BSc

I am a life insurance advisor, and I love what I do. Over the past 12+ years, I have had the privilege of assisting people with their insurance needs. Life is unpredictable, so I make sure that you are protected from the unexpected with customized insurance coverage. Being independent means that I represent many highly-rated companies and can find the right company for each client. Let me help you find the perfect insurance policy today!

While we make every effort to keep our site updated, please be aware that timely information on this page, such as quote estimates, or pertinent details about companies, may only be accurate as of its last edit day. Brian So Insurance and its representatives do not give legal or tax advice. Please consult your own legal or tax adviser.This post is a brief summary for indicative purposes only. It does not include all terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, and other provisions of the policies described, some of which may be material to the policy selection. Please refer to the actual policy documents for complete details which can be provided upon request. In case of any discrepancy, the language in the actual policy documents will prevail. A.M. Best financial strength ratings displayed are not a warranty of a company’s financial strength and ability to meet its obligations to policyholders.

9 Reasons Why You Were Declined For Life Insurance (2024)


9 Reasons Why You Were Declined For Life Insurance? ›

They can include engaging in risky hobbies and behaviors like skydiving; having a history of DUIs or speeding tickets; having a dangerous job like roofing; having a criminal record or a less than ideal financial history; being a smoker; and failing a drug test.

Why do I keep getting denied for life insurance? ›

They can include engaging in risky hobbies and behaviors like skydiving; having a history of DUIs or speeding tickets; having a dangerous job like roofing; having a criminal record or a less than ideal financial history; being a smoker; and failing a drug test.

What is disqualifying for life insurance? ›

Due to the added risk health problems create for insurers, some pre-existing conditions can raise your premium or even disqualify you entirely from certain types of life insurance. A few common examples of pre-existing conditions include high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, and asthma.

Is there a way to get past the life insurance denial? ›

Providing additional supporting documentation may help you contest the denial. This may include medical records, autopsy reports or insurance payment receipts. For instance, if you produce receipts of the policyholder paying their premium on time, you may be able to disprove policy delinquency.

How to pass a medical exam for life insurance? ›

Here are some life insurance exam tips to help you prepare:
  1. Eat healthy. During the life insurance physical, the examiner will take a blood sample for testing and he or she will check your blood pressure and pulse. ...
  2. Drink water. ...
  3. Consider fasting. ...
  4. Skip the gym. ...
  5. Get a good night's sleep. ...
  6. Wear lightweight clothing.

Can you reapply for life insurance after being denied? ›

Denied due to a health issue: you could work with your doctor to make improvements and reapply. Denied due to a lifestyle factor: perhaps participating in a risky hobby or heavy alcohol use, you can make some changes and reapply.

Which cases is likely to be declined by a life insurer? ›

9 Reasons Why You Were Declined For Life Insurance
  • Medical issues.
  • Hazardous occupation.
  • Financial reasons.
  • Lifestyle choices.
  • Lab results.
  • Driving record.
  • Criminal record.
  • Foreign travel.

What not to say when applying for life insurance? ›


An applicant for life insurance must disclose lifestyle habits, good and bad, including use of alcohol or use of tobacco.

What conditions exclude life insurance? ›

  • 1) Genetic illnesses and pre-existing medical conditions. There are a number of illnesses that a group life insurance provider may count as an exclusion, including genetic conditions such as inherited heart disease, cancer, diabetes and mental illness. ...
  • 2) Health and lifestyle related causes. ...
  • 3) Self-inflicted causes.

Does life insurance verify income? ›

Financial situation

The insurer may ask questions about your income, net worth and assets. This is to ensure you can afford to pay the premiums to maintain your life insurance, and that the amount of coverage you're applying for makes sense.

What kind of death does life insurance not cover? ›

Life insurance covers any type of death. But if you commit fraud or die under excluded circ*mstances — such as suicide within the first two years — your policy might not pay out. Tory Crowley. Previously, she worked directly with clients at Policygenius, advising nearly 3,000 of them on life insurance options.

Can you be denied life insurance for bad credit? ›

In some cases, having negative information on your credit report can cause an insurance company to deny your application for a policy outright, regardless of how healthy you are. If you're in the midst of bankruptcy proceeding, for instance, you might have a hard time getting an insurance company to offer you coverage.

What is the denial rate for life insurance? ›

According to one source, about 18% of in-network health insurance claims (including life insurance claims) were denied in 2020. Yet the denial rates for individual insurers ranged from less than 1% to more than 80%. Consequently, it is difficult to predict the chances of your insurer denying your claim.

What is the catch with no medical exam life insurance? ›

Whole life insurance without a medical exam, will often have higher premiums than a term life insurance policy with no medical exam that cannot accrue cash value. The cost of no exam life insurance also depends on the amount of coverage you get.

What is the urine test for life insurance? ›

A few things a provider may be looking for include: Drugs. Illegal drug use is a big red flag for life insurance companies. A urine test includes a chemical analysis for hard drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamines, and opiates, as well as marijuana.

Why don t I qualify for life insurance? ›

Life insurance companies have stringent criteria for approval, and several factors can lead to denials. Common reasons include pre-existing health conditions, high-risk occupations, and lifestyle choices such as smoking or engaging in extreme sports.

What percentage of life insurance claims are denied? ›

What to Do When Your Life Insurance Claim is Denied. You were probably shocked when you got a letter in the mail saying that your loved one's life insurance claim is denied. You're not the only one. An estimated 10 percent of rightful insurance claims will be denied every year.

Why is my life insurance claim rejected? ›

Policy Exclusions

Some of them are suicide, drug overdose, and death by accident under intoxication. Death due to any of these reasons is bound to be rejected as they do not come under a valid claim category as per the insurance companies.

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