[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (2024)


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JhinBuild Guide by MathematicallyCorrectGold

Updated on May 25, 2024






[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (1)Build Guide By MathematicallyCorrectGold 48 19[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (2) 223,452 Views[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (3) 5 Comments

48 19[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (4) 223,452 Views[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (5) 5 Comments[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (6)Jhin Build Guide By MathematicallyCorrectGold Updated on May 25, 2024

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[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (7)

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Recommended Items

MuramanaHorizon FocusLuden's CompanionCosmic DriveRabadon's Deathcap

Runes: Scaling


[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (20)


[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (21)

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (22)

Dark Harvest

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (23)

Cheap Shot

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (24)

Eyeball Collection

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (25)

Treasure Hunter


[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (29)[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (30)[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (31)


+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health




[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (32)

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (33)


[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (34)



Starting Items

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (35)

Starting Items

Doran's BladeDark SealDoran's Ring

Tear (Weaker early)[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (39)

Tear of the Goddess


World Atlas


Scorchclaw PupMosstomper SeedlingGustwalker Hatchling

Example Build #1[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (45)

MuramanaHorizon FocusMalignanceRabadon's DeathcapVoid Staff

Example Build #2

MuramanaHorizon FocusLuden's CompanionCosmic DriveRabadon's Deathcap

Urf Build[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (56)

MuramanaEssence ReaverInfinity EdgeSterak's GageVoid StaffYun Tal Wildarrows

Core Items

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (63)


MuramanaHorizon FocusLuden's Companion

Other Items

Rabadon's DeathcapVoid StaffMalignanceShadowflame

Troll Options

RiftmakerLiandry's TormentHextech RocketbeltBlackfire Torch

Boots[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (75)

Ionian Boots of LuciditySorcerer's Shoes

Ability Order Trap Oriented


[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (78)

Whisper (PASSIVE)

Jhin Passive Ability

Dancing Grenade (Q)


Deadly Flourish (W)


Captive Audience (E)


Curtain Call (R)


Threats & Synergies

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (84)Threats[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (85)Synergies


[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (86)Show All


[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (87)Extreme Threats[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (88)

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (89)Ideal Synergies[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (90)

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (91)


Makes your lane partner and you have a difficult time lining up cc for traps. BIG COUNTER.

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (92)[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (93)[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (94)[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (95)[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (96)

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (97)


Hook into trap, no words needed.

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (98)[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (99)[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (100)[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (101)[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (102)

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (103)Synergies


[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (104)


Hook into trap, no words needed.

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (105)[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (106)[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (107)[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (108)[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (109)

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (110)[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (111)

Jhin counters well

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (112)

3.4 CR

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (113)

3.6 CR

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (114)

3.6 CR

Jhin gets countered

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (115)

5.2 CR

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (116)

5 CR

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (117)

5 CR

More Jhin Counters

Champion Build Guide

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14

By MathematicallyCorrectGold


The build centralizes around the Hybrid scalings on Q Dancing Grenade, and E Captive Audience. The build results in a similar mid game compared to normal Jhin.

Season 14

The biggest difference between the seasons is the power of Horizon Focus as well as the newly introduced item Stormsurge. These items do not discriminate their value by your damage type and will give good value either way.


In patch 12.8, Jhin's trap Captive Audience damage to monsters was modified, from 65% to 100%, this makes for interesting playstyles like jungle Jhin work. Hovering around the river, around 3 minutes before an objective spawns, place down traps on top of the objective Baron Nashor Cloud Drake Elder Drake Hextech Drake Infernal Drake Mountain Drake Ocean Drake Rift Herald, and around the river to prevent foes from entering, while roaming to lanes to help assist in ganks, all the while preparing for that big bang on any objective coming your way. The same could be done although to a lesser degree as any lane.

How Hybrid Jhin works

2 Of Jhin's skills have AP scaling, E Captive Audience being at 100%. In order to optimize the damage dealt, a build utilizing a Lost Chapter item + Muramana is required.

Now because this is an off-meta build. It is by NO MEANS any better than AD Jhin. Not saying that this build doesn't do damage, because miraculously it does (Even on W Deadly Flourishand Ult Curtain Call). Personally I believe this build to be rank viable, given that you perfect the playstyle.

Explaining Math

By late game your traps will reach up to over 1000 damage per trap. Keep in mind these traps decrease in damage to targets who have been hit by a trap in short succession. This results in easy one shots once the target runs into Captive Audience

t + x Captive Audience(t*.65) will be the formula surrounding trap damage calculations. As for the damage dealt by items. Simply add them on. With manaflow and the Luden's build, Muramana should add 90+ per trap, and Luden's Companion with max stacks should do over 300.

If you account for runes and Horizon focus Horizon Focus. Simply add them on after the damage calculations, as both should apply themselves after the traps numbers have been confirmed (multiply trap damage by 1.1). After the damage mods, you can apply the enemy resistance.

Runes: Indepth

As far as runes go, everything is customizable, neither Manaflow Band nor Biscuit Delivery are required, simply suggested as it synergizes with Muramana. Future's Market can be useful to hit earlier spikes, a less experienced player should opt for Scorch over Gathering Storm as it makes laning a little easier.

Builds: Indepth

A few things to keep in mind are build order and builds, Manamune is a must rush item, it benefits your kit much more than the alternative AP items rush. Core build is as followed, Muramana, and a Lost Chapter mythic. This ensures you are maximizing the damage output on your traps Captive Audience per gold. Either Ionian Boots of Lucidity or Sorcerer's Shoes work fine, depending on enemy team comp or how well you play around traps you can opt for one or the other.

Thanks from me

Thank you for taking your time to look at this guide. I understand it isn't perfect and I will update it every now and then. I'm new to Mobafire so this is as best as I can do. If you have any questions feel free to put them in the comment section, when I have time I will look at them.

Special thanks to the Deep League discord server. Those guys were a great help in the early testing stages, as well as my friends who put up with me inting (and sometimes even stomping) some norm games.

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (159)

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (161)[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (162)

Jhin counters well

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (163)

3.4 CR

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (164)

3.6 CR

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (165)

3.6 CR

Jhin gets countered

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (166)

5.2 CR

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (167)

5 CR

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (168)

5 CR

More Jhin Counters

[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (169)

MathematicallyCorrectGoldJhin Guide


[14.10] "You Activated My Trap Card" Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14


Season 14


How Hybrid Jhin works

Explaining Math

Runes: Indepth

Builds: Indepth

Thanks from me

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[14.10] &quot;You Activated My Trap Card&quot; Hybrid Jhin UPDATED FOR MID SEASON 14 (2024)


What is the win rate for JHIN in Season 14? ›

Win rate:348W - 344L 50.3%
8 more rows

Why is JHIN so weak? ›

His immobility is his main weakness as he has a large target painted on his head because of this. If the enemy manages to catch him out, he will die. Due to his Passive, he isn't really good against tanks, especially the ones who can get on his face.

What is the best rune for JHIN? ›

Based on our analysis of 3 331 matches in Patch 14.16 the best runes for Jhin Top are Fleet Footwork, Absorb Life, Legend: Haste, and Coup de Grace for primary tree, as well as Nullifying Orb and Celerity for secondary tree. The most optimal rune shards are Ability Haste, Adaptive Force, and Health Scaling.

How many traps can JHIN have? ›

Jhin can only hold 2 traps at once, and holding on to both will pause the recharge timer. Place the second trap as soon as it's available for maximum trap output.

What is the highest win rate ADC? ›

Overall winrates when onetricked:
  • Samira: 58.24%
  • Kai'Sa: 58.07%
  • Xayah: 57.73%
  • Draven: 57.22%
  • Zeri: 57.18%
  • Twitch: 57.18%
  • Jhin: 56.96%
  • Caitlyn: 56.77%
Feb 20, 2023

Who is strong against JHIN? ›

Based on our analysis of 141 069 matches, the best counters for Jhin Bot are Yasuo, Twitch and Kog'Maw. On the other hand, Jhin Bot counters Tristana, Aphelios, Xayah, Ezreal and Smolder.

Who has Jhin killed in lore? ›

Jhin kills four people before the Order of Shadow arrive: two unidentified people, the messenger, and the woman whose leg was amputated by Zed and Kusho 16 years prior.

What does Jhin do to his victims? ›

Jhin is a meticulous criminal psychopath who believes murder is art. Once an Ionian prisoner, but freed by shadowy elements within Ionia's ruling council, the serial killer now works as their cabal's assassin. Using his gun as his paintbrush, Jhin creates works of artistic brutality, horrifying victims and onlookers.

Is Jhin good right now? ›

Jhin Bot has a 52.0% win rate with 28.7% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked S tier. Based on our analysis of 636 656 matches in patch 14.16 the best build for Jhin is Statikk Shiv, Boots of Swiftness, Rapid Firecannon, Infinity Edge, and Lord Dominik's Regards.

What lane is Jhin? ›

Jhin is a Duo Lane Marksman.

What is Jhin's passive? ›

Passive - Beauty in Death: Whenever Jhin kills an enemy champion, he summons a Blooming Lotus Trap on their corpse. revealed for 4 seconds.

Why does Jhin build collectors? ›

So Collector is not that popular considering it lacks a place in most build paths now and gets out-scaled. I also want to reiterate that I'm aware his ability to forgo attack speed allows Jhin to build more armor pen/lethality, so The Collector feels like a better buy on him than an attack speed reliant champion.

Why is Jhin obsessed with 4? ›

Jhin shows traits consistent with obsessive-compulsive disorder focused on the number four. Whisper might be referencing this notation. One of his innates is Death in 4 Acts. When he 'performs' in any given nation he makes a number people 'beautiful and perfect'.

Why does Jhin wear a mask? ›

Khada Jhin believes himself to be a lie. His regular face, the face of a man, is just a mask to hide his true self. Khada Jhin believes himself to be a lie. His regular face, the face of a man, is just a mask to hide his true self.

Does Jhin have a sniper? ›

But unique to Jhin, he wears a gun holster in his right thigh and a bag to carry his sniper rifle on his back, which is strapped to his body from his right shoulder.

Who is the best JHIN player in the world? ›

How are players ranked?
1.Ralts Shiny#LAS LAS (#1) GrandMaster74.6%
2.Draven baka#baka NA (#2) Challenger70.8%
3.RatoRonaldo#Rato EUW (#3) Master70.2%
4.Plasma Arrows#NA1 NA (#4) Master70.3%
42 more rows

What is the win rate for JHIN vs Draven? ›

Jhin wins against Draven 54.78% of the time which is 5.36% higher against Draven than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Jhin wins against Draven 3.15% more often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Jhin build & runes against Draven.

What is the win rate for Jinx vs JHIN? ›

Based on the analysis of 31 872 matches in Emerald + in Patch 14.16, Jhin has a 51.6% win rate against Jinx in the Bot, which is 0.4% lower than expected win rate of Jhin. This means that Jhin is more likely to lose the game against Jinx than on average.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.