[14.10] Complete Xayah Guide to Dominate Your Games (2024)

[14.10] Complete Xayah Guide to Dominate Your Games (1)

Here we will be going in-depth on how to optimize Xayah's damage through her abilities. Xayah’s kit is simple to understand, but it’s also deceptively easy to misuse. To play her well you need to pay attention to how you use your abilities and always be aware of your cooldowns and positioning.

Do keep in mind that sometimes the optimal is not always feasible - meaning that to score kills or outplay your opponent you may need to go against what is “optimal” for her Passive usage for example.

And especially players new to Xayah or who are not very advanced in their mechanics will struggle to use her abilities well all the time. This is FINE - take your time, practice, and have fun first and foremost. You don't need to play perfectly in order to have fun.

[14.10] Complete Xayah Guide to Dominate Your Games (2)

After using an ability, Xayah's next basic attacks will hit all targets along their path with reduced damage. At her maximum attack range, a Feather will be left in the ground. Xayah can store up to 5 empowered attacks.

Lover's Leap: If either Xayah or Rakan is recalling, the other may move nearby and activate their own recall to join them. Both reach base at the time of which the initiator's recall ends.

Each time you use an ability, you will get 3 out of 5 feathers ready to be set up, which means that for optimal usage you want to be auto attacking between abilities.

If you use Double Daggers, auto attack before using Deadly Plumage or Bladecaller. You will then get 5 feathers stacked, which means that to get as many feathers on the ground as you can, you will have to auto 3 times before using an ability again.

If you instead Q+W+aa, because you did not auto between abilities, you will have lost 1 feather. Likewise, if you already have 5 feathers stacked and use an ability, you will lose 3 extra feathers.

This is not optimal for every situation, but in teamfights you want to have as many feathers on the ground as possible.

Picking Xayah into cc heavy teams will further enable you as you will not need to root for cc chain, using it instead to deal more burst damage.


When it comes to your synergy with Rakan, if he is in danger try to get close to him so that he can use his extended Battle Dance range to run away. You can do this through walls too.

When shoving a wave or greeding for platings, ask Rakan to back while you finish off minions so that you can safely and quickly recall. Careful not to wait for too long and lose your recall.

[14.10] Complete Xayah Guide to Dominate Your Games (10)

ACTIVE: Xayah throws two damaging daggers that also drop 2 Feathers she can recall.

Targets hit after the first take less damage.

This ability can be used in a multitude of ways.

1. Its range is longer than your autos, so you can Q to farm minions safely and to poke the enemy ADC, especially if they have about the same range as you. If you want to poke low HP enemies use Q+E to chunk them harder. You can even score a few kills like that.

2. Your Double Daggers feathers will deal more damage to the first enemy they hit, or in other words, if it doesn't go through the minion wave.

3. In 1x1, especially against mobile champions, you will want to hold on to your Q until you see a good opportunity to root - usually after they have used their dash.

4. Double Daggers immediately sets up feathers for you, which means that it can be used to catch enemies off guard when you start your trades with Deadly Plumage.

5. You can Q to set up feathers on the ground, and when the enemy approaches you can catch them off guard by using aa+E on them. You can also use your Q and autos to zone the enemy off your wave and make them lose cs.


If your support has any form of CC, such as a Morgana, Lux, Leona, Blitzcrank or Thresh,you should hold on to your Q unless you really need to push the wave or they miss their CC.]

Once your support lands their CC, immediately Q+aa+E to chain CC them, but only all in if you can do so without getting killed. If your support misses their CC, you can use Q to wave clear or poke.

If your support's engage is bad and dangerous for you to follow up, just use the Q+aa+E combo to chunk the enemy. Don't greed for this combo if it's dangerous for you to approach, you can still poke the enemy just with your Q+E combo.

[14.10] Complete Xayah Guide to Dominate Your Games (21)

Xayah creates a storm of blades that increase her Attack Speed and damage while also granting her Move Speed if she attacks a champion.

If Rakan is nearby, he will also gain Deadly Plumage.

This is her most reliable form of DPS if you build crit, so avoid using it on the minion wave unless you want to hard shove and recall or take towers. It has a long cooldown and costs a lot of mana at level 1. Hold this ability to take favorable trades and all-ins.

1. You can use it to more quickly take objectives (turrets, drake, baron), but avoid fights while it's on cooldown.

2. Start trades with W to out-DPS the enemy ADC. You can take this ability level 1 if you have Rakan or another strong level 1 support to force early trades and gain level 2 priority, but in most cases you will want to take this at level 3.

3. Use Deadly Plumage to kite away from bruisers and tanks looking to get on top of you.

4. You can also use this ability to chase, and use it to close the gap between you and long range champions when paired with Rapid Firecannon, as it gives movement speed.

Having more attack speed makes this ability more efficient, as you will be able to auto more times and more quickly set up feathers. It is really strong in the early game so use it sparingly.


When you auto a champion, Rakan will gain the same effect as you, which helps him. This makes your trading much more powerful.

And just activating your W will give him increased AS, allowing you both to take turrets and push waves much faster when you are together. Use this to your advantage when sieging turrets.

[14.10] Complete Xayah Guide to Dominate Your Games (30)

Xayah calls back all her dropped Feathers dealing damage and rooting enemies. Feathers deal more damage based on her crit chance. Minions take 50% damage.

Enemies take 100−55% damage from a feather (depending on feathers hit) going to a maximum of 9 feathers and capped at 55% damage. Enemies struck by at least 3 Feathers are rooted.

This is the ability that will require the most patience of you and one of the biggest things separating a good Xayah from a bad Xayah. Her entire kit is based around this ability, so using it optimally is crucial to having success with this champion.

When using Bladecaller for damage, ideally you want to have as many feathers on the ground as possible and position accordingly. You should start trades with Deadly Plumage and autos, use Double Daggers, auto a few more times if possible and E to root/kill them.

To use E effectively you should only use it if more than 2 feathers hit the enemy. Q+E is only worth it for poking or killing low HP targets.

In situations where you need to lock down your enemy, you can use Q+aa+E to hold them and then burst them with Deadly Plumage. In most situations you will be tempted to do this, but always make sure to see if you really need the root or if you will need the Bladecaller damage to finish them off later.


1. Always be very patient in teamfights with your E. Most of the time you will not need a 3 feathers root, and will end up missing having your E if you have to use your Featherstorm defensively or when you have a lot of feathers on the ground.

2. In early laning phase, be mindful of using your E to farm. You will have more lane pressure by using your feathers to zone the enemy, using E to catch them off guard or follow up your support's engage. In the late game, when your E is on a lower cooldown, you can freely use it to shove waves and group with your team.

3. When your Bladecaller is down, it is often best to play more careful because you will not have part of your damage and your peel.

4. E requires you to position well, but even then enemies can dash away or Flash. You can E+ Flash to quickly reposition in such cases.

5. Also keep in mind that the closer you are to your enemies, the easier it is for you to root them and deal more damage.


Your stacked Bladecaller deals a huge chunk of damage against drake and baron. To secure objectives for your team, especially when your jungler doesn't have Smite up, stack as many feathers as you can and wait for the drake/baron to sit at a lower HP, then E. In the late game, if you have Navori Flickerblade, you can stack many more feathers and out-smite junglers since your E can do over 1k damage if you are fed.

[14.10] Complete Xayah Guide to Dominate Your Games (47)

Xayah leaps into the air, becoming briefly untargetable but still able to move.

After a short delay, she unleashes a volley of feather-blades forward in a cone, dealing damage to all enemies struck and leaving a line of 5 Feathers at the end of Featherstorm's maximum range, which she can recall.

This is the ability most people use wrong after her E.

On its own, Featherstorm is okay. It deals decent damage, but the real reason why it is a threatening Ultimate is because of your E. When paired with Bladecaller, it has the potential to deal tons of damage, if all your feathers hit. In most cases though, you will want to use it as a defensive tool because you get untargetability while casting it.

To make full use of your ultimate you need to have your E up. Both when using it offensively and defensively, you ideally want to not have used your E just before R. This is where many new Xayah players fail to turn the fight around for their team.

Another common mistake many new Xayah players make is using your Featherstorm aggressively at the wrong times. Say, for example, the enemy is trying to run away and you ult to try to quickly catch them. Then either you don't hit your 3 feathers because they were too far from you, or they Flash away, turn on you, or you just don't do enough damage to kill them.


1. Keep in mind that every time you lose your ult, you are very vulnerable. It is ideal to play safe until your R is up at all stages of the game. Taking Ultimate Hunter will significantly help you lower the cooldown of your R.

2. If you get caught in a tight space, such as the jungle, you can R to try to avoid the enemy engage, and zone them from following you.

3. You can use Featherstorm to finish off low HP enemies in lane, if they have already used their Flash or dash.

4. You can also use your R aggressively in lane if you have a support that can lock down enemies for a long time, such as a Leona, Rell, Rakan or Galio.

In a teamfight, look to use your Featherstorm to dodge important damage or the enemy engage. Examples of this could be Malphite R, Miss Fortune R, Lux R, Katarina R, Maokai R, Fizz R, Yone R, Rell W+R. After dodging the damage/engage, use your autos and abilities to set up more feathers, and use E to deal a huge chunk of damage.

You can also use R when your team is first to engage, or when the enemy uses their dangerous abilities on a teammate instead of you. You can either kill them while they try to kill your teammates, or peel for your teammates by using E to give them time to run away.

[14.10] Complete Xayah Guide to Dominate Your Games (69)

Xayah doesn't have a lot of flashy mechanics - what makes her (relatively) mechanically challenging is having good positioning in order to use her Bladecaller well, but I figured it would be good to have a section to summarize some of her most important mechanics.

I made a video demonstrating some combos and I have also written everything down for reference. However, it does mention and use Galeforce, which has been deleted from the game. All combos using it can still be done the same way by using Flash! There’s also mention of Prowler's Claw, also deleted.

I really want to update this video, but since I’m currently running LoL in a potato-ish PC I haven’t been able to record anything in high quality. When I get to solve this issue I’ll update it.

[14.10] Complete Xayah Guide to Dominate Your Games (74)Click to See Combos


[14.10] Complete Xayah Guide to Dominate Your Games (2024)


What is the best build for Xayah damage? ›

Based on our analysis of 61 733 matches in patch 14.16 the best build for Xayah is Essence Reaver, Berserker's Greaves, Navori Flickerblade, Infinity Edge, and Bloodthirster.

Why is Xayah so good? ›

There are plenty of reasons why the Vastayan Rebel has been the most preferred champion in the bot lane. She is one of the best counters for nightmare AD Carry picks like Zeri, Nilah and Samira. On top of this, as we mentioned before, Xayah is able to farm and lane effectively in the early stages of the game.

Does Xayah do true damage? ›

Active: Xayah barrages two Feathers in the target direction that each deal physical damage to enemies hit. Targets hit after the first take 50% reduced damage.

What lane should Xayah go? ›

When paired with Rakan in the bot lane, you both get some bonuses. You can recall with Rakan at any point and if you use your Deadly Plumage, you also give Rakan attack speed and movement speed when hitting enemies. This makes Xayah and Rakan a perfect bot lane combo.

Who is the best synergy for Xayah? ›

Xayah is ranked as a B Tier pick in ADC. The 3 best Top Lane Synergy picks good with Xayah are Jax, Kayle, and Camille. The 3 best Jungle Synergy picks good with Xayah are Karthus, Volibear, and Lee Sin. The 3 best Mid Lane Synergy picks good with Xayah are Sylas, LeBlanc, and Lux.

Is kaisa better than Xayah? ›

Xayah wins against Kai'Sa 52.66% of the time which is 3.86% higher against Kai'Sa than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Xayah wins against Kai'Sa 2.94% more often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Xayah build & runes against Kai'Sa.

What ethnicity is Xayah? ›

Vastayan Physiology: Xayah is a Vastaya, an ancient race of demi-humans changed by magic of the Spirit Realm.

What tier is Xayah? ›

Xayah Build, Runes & Counters for bottom Xayah

Xayah bottom has a 50.93% win rate in Emerald+ on Patch 14.16 coming in at rank 25 of 39 and graded B- Tier on the LoL Tierlist. Xayah bottom is a strong counter to Samira, Vayne & Kai'Sa while Xayah is countered most by Ziggs, Sivir & Kog'Maw.

Does Xayah do physical damage? ›

Xayah throws two feather-blades, dealing physical damage, and leaving two Feathers on the ground.

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